Monday, July 30, 2012


Find stillness in your movement~Peace during the chaos~And light beneath the darkness~LetYOUShineThrough~

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I will not become capsulized, stale or set in my ways (ego) as I grow old. I will choose to open, grow, change, and shift~I will keep my heart, eyes, and mind open~I will remain pliable and filled with love~MySundayMantra~

Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's Time

A magical night await us! Meet you on the rooftop of Ascent~8pm

Monday, July 23, 2012

Vino and Vinyasa~

Change up ur practice~Get out of the studio~

Vino and Vinyasa~(Rescheduled Event) is a prepaid event and is THIS Thursday~Don't forget to click the link to hold your spot! Class time is 9PM~Doors open at 8PM~Meet You Under the Stars!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Vino and Vinyasa~

Our Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars event for July is set for Thursday July 26th ~ Event time is 8pm-10:30pm ~ CLASS time is 9pm.

If you paid your $15 for the June event that we had to cancel you are good to go for this one! Otherwise select the link below and sign up to hold your spot! Meet you under the stars!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Come PLAY on your mats and open up to the PEACE & STRENGTH INside of you! 
Rooftop Yoga every Saturday morning~9AM~$15~bring a mat and water~SHADE available

Monday, July 2, 2012

BePlayfulHaveFunLightenUpLAUGH~ "Once you are ready to truly devote your days and times to what your soul came here to do, you will find your life unimaginably enriched!" NDW