The fall season is here. The trees are turning and it's time to let go, rest up, and move forward, following in the footsteps of nature. I have done quite a bit of this in my own life as I have moved into many new journeys all of which have required a great deal of letting go and stepping into the unknown! The more fears I face, the lighter I become, the higher I can fly! This is true for ALL of us. Truly, if we stay in our box, the comfort zone, life eventually becomes stale, without spark or lust. We stop experiencing, growing, and sharing. I am to the point where I must dance in all the fantasies and dreams floating around in my head and heart. The place I am today is so far from where I once was.. You too can open up more then you can possibly imagine! So lets all embrace the change of season by letting go of the delusion of FEAR, change your script and start walking in your dreams, TODAY!
Come meet me on your mats and find that playful child lusting to get out and explore!
I will be at Soul Yoga located in Oklahoma City this Saturday from 5pm-7pm. Hot~Fun~Flow, a two hour class filled with ALL of our favorite yoga goodies! We will tap into that sweet quiet place inside our breath, dig deep to find strength we never knew we had, LAUGH, play, float, fly, SWEAT, open our hearts and hips, and finally.. SURRENDER back to that quiet place inside our breath. I hope to
Click the link to be directed to the Soul Yoga website where you can sign up to hold your spot, space is limited. http://Come meet me on your mats and find that playful child lusting to get out and explore!
I will be at Soul Yoga located in Oklahoma City this Saturday from 5pm-7pm. Hot~Fun~Flow, a two hour class filled with ALL of our favorite yoga goodies! We will tap into that sweet quiet place inside our breath, dig deep to find strength we never knew we had, LAUGH, play, float, fly, SWEAT, open our hearts and hips, and finally.. SURRENDER back to that quiet place inside our breath. I hope to
share my love of music, movement, growth, and community with YOU.
Up next is our last Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars for this season. We have our live Dj back to sooth our souls and rock our bodies! (plus two heaters and a fire place!) I am happy to announce that My Fit Foods and I have teamed up to offer you healthy and delicious pre-yoga snacks at this event. Here are the details~
This is a preregister event, CLICK THE LINK AND SELECT "BOOK NOW" TO SIGN UP :)
Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars is a once a month yoga event on the rooftop of Ascent on Cherry Street. Our idea is to create a space for community, music, and yoga, all in the same night. A WINE mixer and fellowship with local yogis is just icing on the cake, (gluten free of course!) !
Our next event is Nov 8th from7pm-9pm. Class style will be a mild vinyasa and is from 8pm-9pm. The class investment is $15 (includes a glass of wine) and you must register in order to HOLD your spot. Space is limited and this event ALWAYS sells out so don't delay booking your spot! CLICK THE LINK ABOVE to register and I will meet you on the mat, LOVE ~Please be prepared to drink responsibly
~FREE YOGA! I will be leading the lululemon community class on Wednesday, November the 14th. Class will be located inside the Oklahoma Magazine building at 1609 South Boston Ave, Tulsa.
Salt Yoga Utica Square will be a place for movement, community love, sweat, family, strength, FUN, and my favorite, a SAFE place to PLAY! Come be an element of change with us at Salt! We plan to be sharing our love by late 2012, early 2013.
Salt Yoga is here for YOU, like our page on facebook and tell us what you want!