Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Day 4, Riding the Waves of Life
Are you in the space you want to be in life? Do you make decisions for yourself based on who you are today and how you are feeling today or do you move through life with little awareness just going through the motions?
If you would have asked me these questions a few years back I would have given you a blank stare. Today, I am married to my best friend who encourages my wings to expand, I choose to love him endlessly because of WHO he is to me. I share my passion each day both on and off the mat with others. I keep a tidy house. I give love to both old friends and new ones. I have lunch with my mom. I drive in the car with my music too loud and sing when I really have no business. Lastly, I make crazy dreams come true by facing every fear that arises.
It is good to be aware of our past stories, the ones that carried us to where we are but it's best to keep our eyes and heart in the present, sending our energy forward rather then backwards. Without great awareness, we won’t notice the shifts happening within us so change cannot be permanent.
If I had my eyes in the past, I would be living the life I was living previous to this one. A life lacking awareness and based on fears from my past stories. I would have never ventured to a third world country alone and I sure as hell would NOT have attempted surfing! The whole experience of surfing is so much like yoga. Shiva really helped shift my fears of surfing before I ever hit the water. In life we tend to have the need to control. We need to know the outcome of our efforts and we expect people to act and live in a certain way. The water and the waves have no agenda. The oceans energy flows until the wave ends and then sweeps back out to do it all over again. To fight the waves of the ocean serves no purpose. The surfer will never succeed by practicing resistance or the need to control. This is true for yoga, the more ego you bring to your mat, the more your body and mind will resist.
Walking out against the current with a board twice my size propped up on my shaved head, I felt so incredibly free and strong. I make it half way to where the “real” surfers are chillen on their boards waiting patiently for the right wave to come. This process cannot be forced. You must simply wait for the right time. Isn’t this true off our boards as well?
Laying flat on my belly, hands under my shoulders, I then bring my right knee in, toes tucked under, the wave approached and thrusted the board forward and I can feel the oceans energy roaring. My heart was fluttering then as it is now sharing with you. I take a slow, deep inhale of the saltwater air and brought my back foot forward with ease and I AM NOW STANDING on the board crouched down with my arms extended. First time, first wave, and I am up! I think I even said, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I then told every new yogi friend that I had made, “I did it, I did it!” Out of about 10 tries, I stood up every time except once! :) I can hardly wait to try again, maybe one day I will even own my own boards!
I think I am currently on a “breaking any and all fears” path. I am tackling the fears that are rooted from my past and also tackling any new fears that may arise in the present moment. I have a strong desire to see what I am made of and to rip every second of happiness I can out of the current space I am in. I want to give of myself to those that desire my love and appreciate my intentions in this life. Place yourself around people who encourage this freedom of growth and learn from those that are trying to hold you back or show jealousy. Treat these people with the most love possible, even if it has to be from a distance. You will learn more by loving those you struggle with than you will learn from those that are easy to love.
I finish the day with the brightest smile ever. I choose quiet time to reflect, rather than participating in the evening session. I lay on my balcony looking up at the endless sky and stars. Trying my best to understand I am truly where I appear to be, in my Heaven. My chest seems as if it will burst open and butterflies and hearts will explode out, maybe even a unicorn or two :) (don’t laugh at me!!)
I will be up with the sun to enjoy my last 8 hours at Blue Spirit Retreat, Until then, Namaste Tica style!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Day 3, A Yogis Costa Rican Xmas
It was around 6:30 AM Christmas morning. The warm Costa Rican sun had just peeked up from behind the mountains. The howler monkeys and their families were moving through the area just like every other morning. The dining hall floor was lined with yogis sitting on comfy pillows, each with their hot tea or local coffee, journaling about the day before. I have noticed that the yogi clan loves to document and share, for me it enriches my experiences immensely. I am a story teller. I have come into a place where I have a clear vision of the Truth in front of me but also open to any and ALL wisdom offered to expand my vision. The warm, sleepy eyes and truly genuine smiles from that morning will forever be with me. Actually as I write this, my heart flutters and is instantly warm. It is so beautiful how quickly bonds are made when we all have our guards down and are ready to receive love from whoever wants to give it!
We slowly head up, one by one, to the most beautiful space I have ever stepped into in my life this far. The yoga studio floors are a rich local wood, they offer a silky sensation to the feet. The studio has floor to ceiling windows, capturing the jungle to the right and ocean as far as the eye can see to the left. Shiva had placed her alter in the center of the room which held some of items that inspired her. The ceiling is perched with bamboo and soft lighting. We are all scattered throughout on our meditation pillows ready to watch the waves roll in with a clear, steady mind with the sounds of the jungle as our music. This is where the non-doing comes in. It is so true that the more you do, push, or force the less you achieve. The less you do, the more you feel, see, and achieve. Letting go of control of the outcome and simply riding the waves of life with a smile on our face and love in our hearts. (Hard to imagine if you have never practiced this, I have been there!) It is not possible to be in harmony with others if we are not in harmony or peace within our own minds. Sitting in stillness, watching our own mind reacts without judgment is a great place to start down the path of harmony and inner peace.
Mid morning holds another amazing practice with Shiva Rea, she is becoming more human in my eyes as the hours together go by. It is so nice to hear she has all the same life challenges we all do. It goes back to her choice of perception in these matters that keep her moving forward, floating through life with the sole purpose of sharing love and helping teach others to find their own Dharma. A good teacher doesn’t tell you how to find it, yet offers you a path, a flash light and then gives you the love you need to move out of your own darkness.
I spent the afternoon is the sun, watching the waves roll in alone on the beach. So much better then being full of regret from the food I stuffed my face with, laying on the sofa rubbing my Buddha belly!
Finally, the long awaited bonfire on the beach! A beautiful piece of driftwoods acts as our microphone. Each unique person gets up in front of the fire sharing their stories of gratitude for life and what brought them to that place in time. WOW is all I gotta say.. Such a great reminder of how we are all living our own karma and we ALL have such beautiful stories. Each of us is in one stage or another. Some of us our going through a major transition, others are fresh out of a transitional phase, trying to settle into their own space and then you have those that their heart fires are burning strong and we are just tending to the fire. Whichever stage you are in is not right or wrong, it just is. So give yourself all the love you can and give others the space to do the same. We can’t choose what is right or wrong for others.
I take one more gaze up at the stars, the brightest I have ever seen, and head off to bed, preparing for another day in Heaven. I look forward to be awakened by the howler monkeys and sunrise around 5am. (not everyone seemed as excited about that as me!)
What stage of life are you in? Are you able to look at this stage without judgement, but rather with love and compassion? Try practicing non-doing for just five minutes today. Sit in your favorite space or in your car on your lunch break. Watch your mind chatter without attachment or judgment. LOVE!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Be Your Own Best Friend!
Pour your heart out, sing, dance like EVERYONE'S watching, smile because you can, get down on your knees and thank someone that brought you pain and then thank yourself for having the power the rid it form your life, BE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND, jump, look a stranger in the eye and make him a FRIEND, listen more then you talk, TRUST YOUR GUT, observe the grace of a bird floating in the breeze, SHARE, SHARE, SHARE, embrace impermanence, understand the POWER of your thoughts, and LOVE as if your heart could never brake! Om Shanti!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Day 2, The Yin in Me
Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the joints of the body that are normally not exercised in depth in a more active style of yoga. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine. Simply said, it's holding the poses we already know and resting in them for 3 to 15 minutes! I have been leaning towards this style in my own practice and it's nice to have it formally introduced to me here in CR.
Its a great reminder of how important balance is on and off our mats. I practice and teach a more Yang style yoga, so Yin Yoga is a great balance, teaching us how to slow down and nurture our bodies. Yin Yoga brings out the non-doer in us.
After a beautiful 90 minute Yin class surrounded by the jungle my bones begun to melt into the floor as blissful tears streamed down my face. The teachers soft voice led us through savasana with the monkeys and birds as her music. I then very slowly rolled to my right side and opened my eyes to see 10 shades of green, the red and pink flowers where painted in like a picture. The howlers monkeys sounded out one more time, almost acting as our "chimes" to come to seated :) Namaste Tica style!
Flying solo for Christmas hasn't brought any sadness at all, rather strength and self love. It's been nice flying against the flock this year. The self love I'm able to create here will carry out way more then any gifts I couldn't of purchased and my belly is not missing the food AT ALL! Sitting in a circle with 30 other yogis instead of a table with my mom and dad.. The unknown, but awesome!
After Christmas what intentions will you be setting for the New Year? What actions and communications are no longer working for you? The energy we create inside ourselves effects everyone around us, on and off the mat. Are you willing and ready to take responsibility for what you bring into each situation, into your life?
Just ask the questions. Don't search for the answers. The answers will show up when you least expect it, when you need it most. LOVE
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Day 1, My Soul is Fearless!
Costa Rican adventure day one:
I am sitting here with my local organic coffee eating fresh local pineapple, mango, (my favorite), banana, and watermelon. The breeze is light but consistent, so many different birds singing their tunes, I wonder if they know how in harmony they really are. The howler monkeys are can be heard for miles and their calls are super intense. Sitting parrell with the ocean, the coast line and the jungle stretch as far as the eye can see. Not a bad set up uh?!Add caption |
As our kind eyed driver attempted to pass a motorcycle the engine begun to sputter out. Little by little we came to a complete stop. After attempting a few restarts with no luck, I look back at my friendly yogi and we grin to one another. We both had a look of confidence and faith, we knew we would get to where we needed to be safely but we were BOTH very happy to have one another! He grabs his tools and gets to work! “How fun” we say! He is apologizing the best he can with his broken English and we are laughing our asses off and taking pictures. The people are zooming by and dust from the road fills the warm air. NO luck with the wrench.. A passer by stops and our friendly driver says to us yogis, “You be ok 5 minutes?” Of course, caught off guard, I say, “You mean leave us here?” The driver says, “You be ok.. 5 minutes!” Without having the time to answer he hops on the bike and rides off.. Well, alrighty then!! I grab my mace out of my bag and we sit on the back of the van joking about our situation. She comments how lucky she felt to be with someone as calm as me in a situation that could of called for some major freaking out! A few passer by’s stopped in curiosity but all in all we were just two yogis in the middle of NO WHERE, chillin. The driver returns with gas, still no luck! A friendly man stops to help and attaches the van to his truck by rope. He takes off pulling the van, with our stuff, (passports, cash, credit cards, YOGA MATS!) We first stand there, look at each other, and yes, we laugh! How awesome is this we say! We thought maybe we ought to start out on foot and chase the van down, so we did just that. We walked about half a mile and then saw our van in reverse coming down the dirt road to get us. At last, at last, free at last!! My new yogi friend says, “What a great way to lock in a friendship!”
Arriving at Blue Spirit was like taking the biggest inhale ever imagined, so happy to be in heaven. Lunch was first on my list! Yummy, Yummy, Yummy to my tummy!
I spent the afternoon by the pool, roaming around with my camera and then settled in on the beach picking up shells. At this point I am just trying to let it soak in that I was as far south/west as I could possible be, alone. Completely alone! A very connected, powerful feeling for this little girl. So humbled and grateful for every ounce of this experience.
The sun is nearly setting and the breeze from the day has dropped to a cooler temperature, kissing the skin, leaving a soft chill behind. I am watching the hermit crabs carry their dinners and preparing shelter for the night. As the tide gets higher the ocean mist hovers above, creating a beautiful glow as the sun drops. In this stunning moment of complete presence, there is no fear, all fear has dropped away. No fear exists in a raw present moment. When fear creeps in you have dropped back to the ego, the past, or anticipating the future. Think about all fears or anxieties you may have, most likely they all stem from a previous experience, conversation, idea, exc. This is very true for me. I spent several years of my younger life in fear due to very inappropriate behaviors towards me from a family member, and the rest of it in fear of the unknown due to an alcoholic father. This is all okay with me. I see it as a beautiful piece of my story and it is all part of what has gotten me to where I AM. But, these events have left sub-conscience fears deep inside me. I can choose to be a victim, or I can thank those that have shared with me, remember that each soul is doing the best they can with their level of awareness and then do what I fear most. Transforming my fears to LOVE.
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If you cut each of our souls open you will see rings of life in each of us, like a tree, telling our stories. These rings aren’t who we are, rather just a beautiful part of our story. Grow your roots deep into the earth to be grounded, but then soar your branches toward the stars and never look down. Trust that your roots are solid and continue evolving!
Today, my soul is FEARLESS.
Friday, December 23, 2011
"Om Namah Shivaya Gurave Sacchidananda Murtaye Nisprapancaya Shantaya Niralambaya Tejase".
"I offer myself to the true teacher within who assumes the form of reality, consciousness and bliss, who is never absent and is always full of peace, independent in existence, he is the vital essence of illumination."
"I offer myself to the true teacher within who assumes the form of reality, consciousness and bliss, who is never absent and is always full of peace, independent in existence, he is the vital essence of illumination."
Overwhelmed with Joy
Sitting here alone in the local Costa Rican airport waiting to board the propeller plane! Overwhelmed with the freedom I feel. The confidence I have developed and the fears I've overcome to be right where I AM.
I AM who I AM because of the pain AND love I've received in my life. It takes both darkness and light to grow into our fullest self.
At this point in my life I welcome ALL opportunities of growth with open arms. Today, I face several fears head on and will turn them to LOVE!
Om'ing Tica style!!
I AM who I AM because of the pain AND love I've received in my life. It takes both darkness and light to grow into our fullest self.
At this point in my life I welcome ALL opportunities of growth with open arms. Today, I face several fears head on and will turn them to LOVE!
Om'ing Tica style!!
Monday, December 19, 2011
I love this!
“Yoga balances the body, the hormonal system, and the stress response. People tend to think of yoga as being all about flexibility – it’s not. It’s about rebalancing and healing the body."
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Communicating through our mind chatter..
Good communication must begin with ourself before being effective with others. How can we expect to move forward with others if we are turning circles in our own mind? When communicating with others, it's best to put out there what your really needing, no mind games and no beating around the bush hoping they will catch your point. Once you feel confident in your needs, you can even say, "It is important that you hear only what I am saying and nothing more, please repeat back what you have heard me say." People have different meanings or interpretations of the same words, so clarifying before moving on will only help.
Listening is truly one of the best gifts we can give someone. If we haven't walked the path that is being shared, we cannot truly understand, so our open heart and ears may be the gift that is needed. Try understanding what they might be feeling rather than judging the situation in our head. Listen with our heart. Our soul.
In EVERY situation WE are responsible for creating the energy we want. If we are uncomfortable with the other person in which we are communicating with, try not to judge that, just watch what arises inside. Respond rather then react. When the ball is in our court, know that we can pause we can think and feel what needs to come next. We don't have to say everything going through our minds! Observe the mind chatter and pull out what FEELS right.
Compromise does not exist in every set of communication that we enter. That doesn't mean there isn't something there for us. So when do we know we have said our peace and it is time to move on?
For me, I have pulled curtain situations toward me (subconsciously of course) and held them tightly until I FELT my lessons or karmic involvement had been served. This wasn't always clear to me. This does NOT mean you get tired of dealing with it and quit! When you get to the place where you stop playing the victim, and the questions like, "Why is this happening to me?" or "Why would he/she make me feel so bad?" turn into questions like, "What is in this situation for me?" or "In what ways can I offer love?" Evolution has occurred, YEAH!
Not there yet? Sound impossible? I bet! I have been in that impossible stage for longer then I have been in the loving stage. This loving stage takes just as much effort in the beginning because we have conditioned ourselves to react with fear rather then to respond with love. It is just like running a race, you have to condition the mind and heart. Practice makes perfect!
Remember, you can do nothing for another that they will not do for themselves. The love we have, just like anything else, has to start with love for our self. From there, in order to protect our own soul, we must be willing to "disappoint" another. If we do our complete best going into the situation with love, the soul in which we are communicating with still may not be ready to receive this love or form of communication. So what now? This may mean that your time and lessons with this soul may have come to an end in the physical sense but no one can stop you from sending love and good thoughts their way. Talk about rising above. Taking the higher road.
It is our job to create the loving energy we want. Release our stories, our perceptions of what HAS been, step out in faith to what WILL be and filling our heart in the present moment with only LOVE. Trust me, practice in this will truly create great shifts throughout our whole life. We now have control of our thoughts. Don't let anyone live rent free in your mind!
Now that the load is lighter, it is our time to shine. Thank those that have shared their stories with you, learn the beauty from them and then release them, put them in your treasure chest and move forward with love! Face your fears head on and you will transform them to LOVE!
Listening is truly one of the best gifts we can give someone. If we haven't walked the path that is being shared, we cannot truly understand, so our open heart and ears may be the gift that is needed. Try understanding what they might be feeling rather than judging the situation in our head. Listen with our heart. Our soul.
In EVERY situation WE are responsible for creating the energy we want. If we are uncomfortable with the other person in which we are communicating with, try not to judge that, just watch what arises inside. Respond rather then react. When the ball is in our court, know that we can pause we can think and feel what needs to come next. We don't have to say everything going through our minds! Observe the mind chatter and pull out what FEELS right.
Compromise does not exist in every set of communication that we enter. That doesn't mean there isn't something there for us. So when do we know we have said our peace and it is time to move on?
For me, I have pulled curtain situations toward me (subconsciously of course) and held them tightly until I FELT my lessons or karmic involvement had been served. This wasn't always clear to me. This does NOT mean you get tired of dealing with it and quit! When you get to the place where you stop playing the victim, and the questions like, "Why is this happening to me?" or "Why would he/she make me feel so bad?" turn into questions like, "What is in this situation for me?" or "In what ways can I offer love?" Evolution has occurred, YEAH!
Not there yet? Sound impossible? I bet! I have been in that impossible stage for longer then I have been in the loving stage. This loving stage takes just as much effort in the beginning because we have conditioned ourselves to react with fear rather then to respond with love. It is just like running a race, you have to condition the mind and heart. Practice makes perfect!
Remember, you can do nothing for another that they will not do for themselves. The love we have, just like anything else, has to start with love for our self. From there, in order to protect our own soul, we must be willing to "disappoint" another. If we do our complete best going into the situation with love, the soul in which we are communicating with still may not be ready to receive this love or form of communication. So what now? This may mean that your time and lessons with this soul may have come to an end in the physical sense but no one can stop you from sending love and good thoughts their way. Talk about rising above. Taking the higher road.
It is our job to create the loving energy we want. Release our stories, our perceptions of what HAS been, step out in faith to what WILL be and filling our heart in the present moment with only LOVE. Trust me, practice in this will truly create great shifts throughout our whole life. We now have control of our thoughts. Don't let anyone live rent free in your mind!
Now that the load is lighter, it is our time to shine. Thank those that have shared their stories with you, learn the beauty from them and then release them, put them in your treasure chest and move forward with love! Face your fears head on and you will transform them to LOVE!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Join me Saturday January 14th, 2012 at The Canebrake for Moving Mindfully into 2012!
Email me for more questions or contact The Canebrake
Mind Chatter
Every present moment in thought and every scattered moment in thought are all actions towards our creation. Creations that trickles out to those we love and those we have yet to meet. Each moment created mirrors in the way we fill it...
What intentions are you filling your life with?
How much responsibility do you take for your present life?
Do you play the victim or are you a seeker of the TRUTH?
Jump on this roller coaster we call life and throw your hands up in the air! Set your intentions to your truest, non judging self, show the world your biggest smile, keep your heart open and let the winds of change flow though you with peace and grace!
What intentions are you filling your life with?
How much responsibility do you take for your present life?
Do you play the victim or are you a seeker of the TRUTH?
Jump on this roller coaster we call life and throw your hands up in the air! Set your intentions to your truest, non judging self, show the world your biggest smile, keep your heart open and let the winds of change flow though you with peace and grace!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Loved This!
"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured." -B.K.S. Iyengar
YOUR Dreams!
Running 5k's, blog writing for someone other then myself, practicing peace and love with Shiva Rea in Costa Rica, creating & hosting workshops.. WHO is this girl?!
If you don't live your dreams, someone else will! Get out there and snatch up ur happiness. Give and get all the love you can. Go out and experience everything your heart desires, big or small. Walk the walk your heart aches for regardless of tradition. Step outside your box each day. Keep your faith in the human connection. Reach for the stars even on cloudy nights and believe in today before you ever open your eyes.
If you don't live your dreams, someone else will! Get out there and snatch up ur happiness. Give and get all the love you can. Go out and experience everything your heart desires, big or small. Walk the walk your heart aches for regardless of tradition. Step outside your box each day. Keep your faith in the human connection. Reach for the stars even on cloudy nights and believe in today before you ever open your eyes.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I AM addicted to creation of my truest self!
Keep bulldozing through the dark and you will come out as light on the other side, then you will realize why the perceived darkness is soooo vital to our evolution! When this truly sinks in it gives us the freedom to release our judgment of others and the outcome of life! Live present, live FREE!!
- If your looking for a new way to bring in your New Year, I may have something for you!
Join myself and Dub Dara as we turn the lights low, the beats high, and down dog our good intentions into the New Year with "Vino and Vinyasa 2012".
This Vino and Vinyasa will be held inside Ascent and will be 75 minutes of Power Vinyasa. As I have said before this won't be your momma's play list. We have thrown a new twist here in Tulsa with the yogi's vrs the Dj scene! Thanks to you, these events have booked full each time so if your interested, don't delay getting your spot!
Class time: 10:30pm-11:45pm
12am-2012 toast!
Class investment: $20 until the 31st, if there are any spots left at that time, the investment will be $30
1325 East 15th Street
Tulsa, OK 74120-5849
(918) 794-0243 Phone
Store Hours
Mon - Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 7:30am - 6pm
Closed on Sunday
As always, I will provide some light snacks and a small assortment of wine, but please feel free to bring your favorite wine?champagne along to share with others as well as your non-practicing spouse/partner as they can hang out at White Owl with my husband and slid back over just in time for kisses and toasts!!
Lets make this the first of many Rockin New Years Eve Celebrations! OM!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Manifest Your Life!
It is Monday morning, November 21st, 2021, the Monday before Thanksgiving. I am brewing our espresso, preparing our guest bedrooms in anticipation for all the family headed to the islands to escape the cold for the holidays. Travis is doing his normal Monday morning work sitting on the lanai (his new office), with endless views of the Caribbean, constant breezes, and enjoying a beautiful fruit plate filled with local fruits.
After the house is prepped for our families I walk a few steps to the beach where my regulars and a few travelers are waiting to move and breathe with me. Our toes and fingers are buried in the sand as we practice to the music of the ocean.
After sharing my passion of yoga I head back up to the house where Travis is finishing up his Monday duties. We load up and head to our favorite hiking trial for some quality time before the house is filled with our happy, healthy family! We are enjoying each peek we get of the beautiful ocean and I’m sneaking in kisses when I can! After working up an appetite we head to our favorite local fish house where we watch them unload the freshly caught fish. The birds swarm the sky as the fishermen clean and cut our lunch and then carry it straight to the local chef to prepare it to our liking. Our Monday tradition. The chef loads us up with our favorites for the week and we head to the airport to begin our holiday celebrations with our families.
That evening the whole family joins in for the sunset yoga class. This makes my heart warmer then ever. To share the truest side of me is my most complete joy in life. Thank you to my husband and best friend for helping my dreams come true everyday that I wake up, for when I wake up next to you, my dreams have already come true. LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Addiction runs deep in my family. I know it does for many. I have gone in and out of debating with myself about sharing some stories. In the end, there are two reasons I choose to share. One being that some have shared with me that I seem so peaceful, and life must be a breeze for me, (it is, by choose of perception!) and the other was a conversation I had with a dear friend the other day that led me to sitting here with my computer today. I shared with her, that in my opinion, we are here to share. Share everything, our love, our fears, our goals, our visions, our tears of joy and sorrow, our laughter.
"Each soul is doing the best they can with the level of awareness they have." Once we can fully understand this, we can see that everyone is just walking out their karma and there is no need to judge or expect anything from anyone. One thing I feel we can do is communicate what we need in OUR space. We can communicate this with NO expectation of the outcome and know by speaking what WE truly need may result in big change or the end of a relationship. Being compassionate starts with ourself. Are you willing to disappoint another to protect your own TRUTH?
It has taken me eights years to fully learn how to process this part of my life. Actually, 30 years as I grew up around strong addictions as well. It is the difference between knowing and KNOWING. It is the difference between playing the victim or being the seeker of TRUTH.
We ALL have our attachments and addictions. I am attached to feeling good, practicing yoga, eating healthy, and awareness. It literally makes me nervous when I cannot do these things.. Definitely a learned behavior. My runner friends get stressed and hit the road for a long run, some meditate for hours. Some pop pills or pour too many drinks, some hold it all in, and others don't eat. We become addicted to what we do, whether it is healthy or not.
I can say that the last year of my life has brought many lessons, some I am still sitting with as my worldly self tries to understand and my inner being sinks deeper into the detachment of the outcome. KNOWING that I could never possibly understand the bigger picture, I am not a puppet master, I cannot wave my Jenny wand and "fix" this. It is not mine to fix, yet mine to LOVE.
I took a hard look in the eyes of addiction yesterday as I sat across from my own blood in her therapy session at rehab. After her eight year prescription pill addiction, she overdosed in front of her beautiful children last week. Her soul is so attached to her addiction, she is still not willing to own up to her choices or addiction.
We have found the system doesn't always work. So what can we do? Physically..... not much. The power of intention is our strongest ability. Sit with LOVE, always.
My mantra lately has been, "I AM LOVE, SHE IS LOVE, I AM LOVE, SHE IS LOVE."
I am forever grateful to have this soul in my life. She has been one of my greatest teachers. I have chosen that perspective. I have chosen to learn, to grow, to evolve. To know the light we must recognize the dark. Recognize, not judge.
Recognize and then LOVE.
"Each soul is doing the best they can with the level of awareness they have." Once we can fully understand this, we can see that everyone is just walking out their karma and there is no need to judge or expect anything from anyone. One thing I feel we can do is communicate what we need in OUR space. We can communicate this with NO expectation of the outcome and know by speaking what WE truly need may result in big change or the end of a relationship. Being compassionate starts with ourself. Are you willing to disappoint another to protect your own TRUTH?
It has taken me eights years to fully learn how to process this part of my life. Actually, 30 years as I grew up around strong addictions as well. It is the difference between knowing and KNOWING. It is the difference between playing the victim or being the seeker of TRUTH.
We ALL have our attachments and addictions. I am attached to feeling good, practicing yoga, eating healthy, and awareness. It literally makes me nervous when I cannot do these things.. Definitely a learned behavior. My runner friends get stressed and hit the road for a long run, some meditate for hours. Some pop pills or pour too many drinks, some hold it all in, and others don't eat. We become addicted to what we do, whether it is healthy or not.
I can say that the last year of my life has brought many lessons, some I am still sitting with as my worldly self tries to understand and my inner being sinks deeper into the detachment of the outcome. KNOWING that I could never possibly understand the bigger picture, I am not a puppet master, I cannot wave my Jenny wand and "fix" this. It is not mine to fix, yet mine to LOVE.
I took a hard look in the eyes of addiction yesterday as I sat across from my own blood in her therapy session at rehab. After her eight year prescription pill addiction, she overdosed in front of her beautiful children last week. Her soul is so attached to her addiction, she is still not willing to own up to her choices or addiction.
We have found the system doesn't always work. So what can we do? Physically..... not much. The power of intention is our strongest ability. Sit with LOVE, always.
My mantra lately has been, "I AM LOVE, SHE IS LOVE, I AM LOVE, SHE IS LOVE."
I am forever grateful to have this soul in my life. She has been one of my greatest teachers. I have chosen that perspective. I have chosen to learn, to grow, to evolve. To know the light we must recognize the dark. Recognize, not judge.
Recognize and then LOVE.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thank You!
Thank you Tulsa for a very successful rooftop yoga season! I can hardly wait until next Spring! Come see me at The Yoga Room or enjoy a private or small group class :)
Playlist 11-10-2011
Here it is guys! Enjoy!
Let the Drummer Kick-Citizens Cope
Sail- Megalithis Symphony
Where You End- Moby
Cosmic Love- Florence +The Machine
Lift Me Up- Moby
I Remember- (Caspa Remix) deadmouse5 & Kaskade
Dream About Me- Moby
Shake It Out- Florence + The Machine
Slow- Kylie Minogue
We Are All Made of Stars- Moby
As the Rush Comes- Motorcycle
Porcelain- Moby
Hayling- FC Kahuna
Let the Drummer Kick-Citizens Cope
Sail- Megalithis Symphony
Where You End- Moby
Cosmic Love- Florence +The Machine
Lift Me Up- Moby
I Remember- (Caspa Remix) deadmouse5 & Kaskade
Dream About Me- Moby
Shake It Out- Florence + The Machine
Slow- Kylie Minogue
We Are All Made of Stars- Moby
As the Rush Comes- Motorcycle
Porcelain- Moby
Hayling- FC Kahuna
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Rooftop Class
It's just to cold guys, we are going to cancel class and meet this week to discuss our options moving forward :)
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Due to the high volume of people interested in this event we are now offering a 3rd Vino and Vinyasa, Thursday, October 20th. This event is brought to you by Ascent Outdoor Apparel on Cherry Street, Dub Darra and Jennifer Skaggs. This event will be from 7PM-10PM on the rooftop of Ascent. Come enjoy a 15% store discount, check out the new fall lines only offered at Ascent Outdoor Apparel, free wine, snacks, LIVE DJ, and best of all, mingling with other local yogis all while under the Tulsa skies. Yoga will be from 8PM-9PM. (mild power vinyasa)
Due to the limited space on the rooftop, YOU MUST SIGN UP with me in advance to reserve a spot. Send me a message so I can CONFIRM you as a guest.
The investment for this event is only $10! We will have a basket for donation on the wine table if your feeling generous :)
I ask kindly that you honor your commitment to attend the event if you RSVP. If last minute obligations come up I ask that you communicate that with me, in advance, so that I can fill your spot with an alternate.
Due to the Oklahoma weather this will be the LAST nighttime yoga class we offer..
Namaste Tulsa!
Due to the high volume of people interested in this event we are now offering a 3rd Vino and Vinyasa, Thursday, October 20th. This event is brought to you by Ascent Outdoor Apparel on Cherry Street, Dub Darra and Jennifer Skaggs. This event will be from 7PM-10PM on the rooftop of Ascent. Come enjoy a 15% store discount, check out the new fall lines only offered at Ascent Outdoor Apparel, free wine, snacks, LIVE DJ, and best of all, mingling with other local yogis all while under the Tulsa skies. Yoga will be from 8PM-9PM. (mild power vinyasa)
Due to the limited space on the rooftop, YOU MUST SIGN UP with me in advance to reserve a spot. Send me a message so I can CONFIRM you as a guest.
The investment for this event is only $10! We will have a basket for donation on the wine table if your feeling generous :)
I ask kindly that you honor your commitment to attend the event if you RSVP. If last minute obligations come up I ask that you communicate that with me, in advance, so that I can fill your spot with an alternate.
Due to the Oklahoma weather this will be the LAST nighttime yoga class we offer..
Namaste Tulsa!
Monday, October 3, 2011
OMazing Yoga Month!
Happy Monday to you! As you know September was yoga month and what an amazing month it was!
Thanks to you, Ascent Outdoor and Apparel, and the Lululemon family, I was able to share my passion of yoga with almost 300 Tulsa Yogi's for FREE. Such a great gift to be able to offer the Tulsa community and myself!! I was able to meet so many new faces and I look forward to getting to practice with each of you again soon! THANK YOU for being a part of this. Just in case you haven't heard, Tulsa's Salutation Nation was the largest in our region!
If you are looking for more new and fun ways to practice, join me this weekend in Bixby at the "I AM" festival. Go to for more information and event schedule. Come out and support this event that was pulled together by Tulsans that want to share LOVE in every way possible! I teach Friday night at 8PM. This event is FREE!
On Sunday the 9th, I am involved in Tulsa's first yoga/dance workshop! There are many similarities with yoga and dance, come found out just how many. You can view more information and sign up for this workshop at
I will be having another "Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars" this month with a few new surprises! As soon as we get the date lined out I will send out the sign up information. If you are looking for my regular teaching schedule, see the event page here on my site.
Thanks again for showing up this month and making Tulsa's Yoga Month one of the best in our region!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
"I AM"
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Mind Chatter
If your going to take the challenge in life to cultivate your own highway then you must be wiling to except the obstacles, (opportunity to grow) that lay within each challenge. There will be big boulders to lift and set aside, relationships lost, and shaky grounds to stabilize. But a solid path can be left behind if each action is done with love. The choice is always yours. To build. Or not to build.. LOVE!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Mind Chatter
I have the ability, the confidence and the power to create the life I want.
I give myself permission to be happy.
I deserve all good things.
I am worthy to achieve my goals.
I am in control of everything I do.
I am limited ONLY by my own thoughts.
I give myself permission to be happy.
I deserve all good things.
I am worthy to achieve my goals.
I am in control of everything I do.
I am limited ONLY by my own thoughts.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I loved this!
This was written by a dear friend and teacher of mine..
"If we look outside of ourselves, searching for Peace, Happiness and Love--the search will never end. Because whatever peace we might find "out there" will be temporary. Whatever we may find will sooner or later fade along with circumstances. When Baba Hari Dass says "the idea is to attain peace", I don't think that he is asking us to find some perfect environment--getting all of our ducks in a row, then wha-la! peace! Lasting Peace, true peace, is not outside of yourself. Peace is not an object "out there". Peace is what you are. What is to be attained is this realization--that Peace is your natural state--you are that. This realization will be beyond any thought or concept--to know it is to BE it. Sri Ramana Maharishi said "Peace is absence of disturbance. The disturbance is due to the arising of thought in the individual, which is only the ego rising up from pure consciousness. To bring about peace means to be free from thoughts and to abide as pure consciousness. If one remains at peace oneself, there is only peace everywhere". To find peace, look within, let the mind be quiet, be still, and there you are--Peace. Love to all, Tom"
"If we look outside of ourselves, searching for Peace, Happiness and Love--the search will never end. Because whatever peace we might find "out there" will be temporary. Whatever we may find will sooner or later fade along with circumstances. When Baba Hari Dass says "the idea is to attain peace", I don't think that he is asking us to find some perfect environment--getting all of our ducks in a row, then wha-la! peace! Lasting Peace, true peace, is not outside of yourself. Peace is not an object "out there". Peace is what you are. What is to be attained is this realization--that Peace is your natural state--you are that. This realization will be beyond any thought or concept--to know it is to BE it. Sri Ramana Maharishi said "Peace is absence of disturbance. The disturbance is due to the arising of thought in the individual, which is only the ego rising up from pure consciousness. To bring about peace means to be free from thoughts and to abide as pure consciousness. If one remains at peace oneself, there is only peace everywhere". To find peace, look within, let the mind be quiet, be still, and there you are--Peace. Love to all, Tom"
Monday, September 19, 2011
Private Yoga Sessions
I am now offering private yoga sessions or small group session in 3 different locations. The Yoga Room, the rooftop of Ascent on Cherry Street, and in my home studio. Please message me details!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Salutation Nation!!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
This is something a dear friend shared with me today, a day in which life seems unreal. I am filled with so much joy and gratitude. So much it has left me asking why.. Why me, why now. I can look back and see all the connections, turns, and choices that led to the mass of unfolding beauty in which I am receiving. The beauty is so strong it is hard not to have a wondering mind. I hope you enjoy!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Mind Chatter
Do you see yourself as a single wave or the entire ocean? Is your experience on the surface like a wave, or does it run as deep and wide as the oceans floor?
Once we realize we are the entire body of ocean we can control the waves and currents from the inside out.
I've never been more sure that I am the entire ocean, that I can bring in the waves and carry them out. I can be beautiful and at peace when the currents change and the waves become large..
The ocean serves us differently with each crashing wave. When the tide is high and the waves are strong I can glide in on my surf board practicing my acquired skills leaving my waves stronger then when I arrived.
The lessons learned have been ingrained as I waited for the perfect wave and road it in calmly to the shore. Only to stand in grace, beauty, and peace and the oceans doorstep.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Salutation Nation!!
Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to be surrounded by the Tulsa Yoga Community!
Saturday, September 10th
OU Schusterman Center
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Simple Beauty..
I truly enjoyed the artistic side of this shoot! Creating the perfect image was effortless as the beauty is simply in the bones, muscles, and natural curves of the body. I have only selected a few of my favorites. I hope you enjoy!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Salutation Nation in Tulsa
Saturday, September 10th
41st and Yale, the grassy area at the OU center!
What is it?
Anyone. Everyone. Do Yoga.
Salutation Nation is an annual, international event led by local yoga instructors.
Tulsa lets get our community to move, breath, connect and get your down dog on!
41st and Yale, the grassy area at the OU center!
What is it?
Anyone. Everyone. Do Yoga.
Salutation Nation is an annual, international event led by local yoga instructors.
Tulsa lets get our community to move, breath, connect and get your down dog on!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Seane Corn
"The yoga practice teaches us that we are more alike then different." Seane Corn
Seane's class at Wanderlust was epic! The best way to describe it would be church for yogis!
Seane talked about how judging others and ourselves is wasted energy. "We are all just burning through the karma we have already created, good or bad."
I constantly put myself in situations to grow and evolve. At times it can be a challenge to fully absorb each experience. Seane reaffirms that, "We are not meant to take everything in at once. Yet let the seeds be planted and the soul will provide it when needed."
What a relief! Just sit back, keep the window to your soul open and let life flow through you!
Does Meditation scare you?
There was a time when the word mediation really scared me. I would picture the bald monk sitting tall with his perfectly shaved head, hands resting softly on his thighs.. Beautiful image!! But, with the stereo type image or idea of meditation, I stirred clear of this in the first few years of my yoga practice.
As I began to deepen my yogic knowledge or better yet, learning to "simply" enjoy my practice, I learned that there are many forms or path to mediation.
After finally getting out of my own way, my first deep experience actually happened with no planning.. This is the best way!
"A quite mind that is arrived at by concentration ends up being a dull mind, not a free mind."
When we are not waiting or watching for something to happen there is a natural sinking into our own source. This could take place while watching the sun set, thirty minutes later you realize your without a chatty mind and the sun has now set!
A teacher once told me when you can sit with the only conscious thought being that of the birds wings flying in the sky above you then you have experienced meditation! Working in your flower bed, swimming, running, watching the fire crackle in the Fall, practicing yoga, and my mother-in-law even threw in mowing as her meditation!
It's really simple, we have control over the ticker tape of thoughts running through our minds. All we need is a second of emptiness to reset. It takes practice, a little de-conditioning of the mind. We have been taught our entire life's to push, push, push! How's that working for ya?!
Today, see what it feels like to take five! Just five minutes without your computer, phone, TV, family, or friends. Breath. Nothing else. Just breath.
As I began to deepen my yogic knowledge or better yet, learning to "simply" enjoy my practice, I learned that there are many forms or path to mediation.
After finally getting out of my own way, my first deep experience actually happened with no planning.. This is the best way!
"A quite mind that is arrived at by concentration ends up being a dull mind, not a free mind."
When we are not waiting or watching for something to happen there is a natural sinking into our own source. This could take place while watching the sun set, thirty minutes later you realize your without a chatty mind and the sun has now set!
A teacher once told me when you can sit with the only conscious thought being that of the birds wings flying in the sky above you then you have experienced meditation! Working in your flower bed, swimming, running, watching the fire crackle in the Fall, practicing yoga, and my mother-in-law even threw in mowing as her meditation!
It's really simple, we have control over the ticker tape of thoughts running through our minds. All we need is a second of emptiness to reset. It takes practice, a little de-conditioning of the mind. We have been taught our entire life's to push, push, push! How's that working for ya?!
Today, see what it feels like to take five! Just five minutes without your computer, phone, TV, family, or friends. Breath. Nothing else. Just breath.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
What's in your cart?!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
As the world turns..
Another sunset has been gifted to us.. Lake Tahoe has treated us well and left me urning for more. I will be back.
I'm taking nothing for granted, as the sun sets and the stars take over.. I can look up and see the pine trees sway as the stars dance behind them. I don't believe I've ever seen so many stars..
The sun was so warm today! We laid on the beach for hours and talked to many different people. We ended up doing a mini yoga photo shoot with a group of guys from San Francisco! Soon followed a wonderful rain storm and then back to clear skies! As for now, I'm cuddled under my blankets listening to the fire crackle outside the window of my RV. :)
I wonder how many other women have traveled the past few days, camping non the less, and seen what my eyes have seen.. I'm so GRATEFUL! I think we went 47 hours with no shower!! Not by choose. For a girl that showers twice a day, I never felt more clean then after that shower, a new women!!
We will be heading to the California coast tomorrow morning!
Westport Beach here we come!
I'm taking nothing for granted, as the sun sets and the stars take over.. I can look up and see the pine trees sway as the stars dance behind them. I don't believe I've ever seen so many stars..
The sun was so warm today! We laid on the beach for hours and talked to many different people. We ended up doing a mini yoga photo shoot with a group of guys from San Francisco! Soon followed a wonderful rain storm and then back to clear skies! As for now, I'm cuddled under my blankets listening to the fire crackle outside the window of my RV. :)
I wonder how many other women have traveled the past few days, camping non the less, and seen what my eyes have seen.. I'm so GRATEFUL! I think we went 47 hours with no shower!! Not by choose. For a girl that showers twice a day, I never felt more clean then after that shower, a new women!!
We will be heading to the California coast tomorrow morning!
Westport Beach here we come!
Lake Tahoe!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Made it here alive!!
One word to describe yesterday.. LONG!
After 18 hours of traveling we made it to Squaw Valley! We have rested up and it's time to get up and around.
It's about 6:30am and I have the blankets pulled up tight around my neck.. It's so nice to be cold!! It has been over a month with the temperature soaring past 100 degrees in Tulsa. The sound of geese flying over was my alarm this morning and the smell of last nights fire fills the air!
It's time for Wanderlust!! But first.. Let's boil some water for coffee!! Until later, I'll leave you with a picture of last nights sunset. Namaste!
After 18 hours of traveling we made it to Squaw Valley! We have rested up and it's time to get up and around.
It's about 6:30am and I have the blankets pulled up tight around my neck.. It's so nice to be cold!! It has been over a month with the temperature soaring past 100 degrees in Tulsa. The sound of geese flying over was my alarm this morning and the smell of last nights fire fills the air!
It's time for Wanderlust!! But first.. Let's boil some water for coffee!! Until later, I'll leave you with a picture of last nights sunset. Namaste!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
New Event Created by Westport Beach
Monday, August 1st, @ 11am
Westport Beach, CA
"Join our accomplished yoga instructor for a session on the beach! Jennifer Skaggs is a much sought after instructor who teaches schools, seniors, and advanced classes. She will bring her gift of reaching a broad range of students to the beauty of Westport Beach on one day only. So bring your kids and the grandparents for a lesson in yoga exercise and thought from this wonderfully joyful master! Plus, this will be a blast to watch!"
Thanks for the great write up Westport Beach! See you soon!
Westport Beach, CA
"Join our accomplished yoga instructor for a session on the beach! Jennifer Skaggs is a much sought after instructor who teaches schools, seniors, and advanced classes. She will bring her gift of reaching a broad range of students to the beauty of Westport Beach on one day only. So bring your kids and the grandparents for a lesson in yoga exercise and thought from this wonderfully joyful master! Plus, this will be a blast to watch!"
Thanks for the great write up Westport Beach! See you soon!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Tickles my fancy!!
Exciting news I'd like to share! I will be staying at Westport Beach, Ca for two nights during my camping trip, we connected on FB and after viewing my info they asked me if I would be interested in TEACHING A CLASS ON THE BEACH one morning for a comped camp site!! Camp sites aren't cheap in Cali!! Is this the beginning of my dream to be a traveling yoga teacher?
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Fasting is fabulous!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Do you live a Sattva, Tamas, or Rajas life style?
Or maybe it is a combination of 2, maybe all 3.. I definitely reside with Sattva and Rajas, but I'm working toward Sattva! I do believe it could be a life long journey, just as yoga is. The good news is with "challenges" like this there is little time to get bored.
I am not ashamed to say that a large part of my life I lived a Tamas lifestyle. I have been gluten free for one year now and have never felt better. With most evolutionary steps comes personal reward, followed by an upstream battle due to our American culture. I'm aware enough to know the temptations to eat foods I know are bad for me are mine to deal with. Just because it is gluten free does NOT mean it is good for you!
We can't argue the influence of media, friends, and family that put a constant need to stay true to ourself. I must have a solid understanding of how to stay in my best well being. This will allow me to continue to serve others unconditionally. What would it be like to go out to dinner with friends and order rice and spinach and not even bat an eye at what others are eating?! I am able to do this from time to time... As I sit here and type I can remember the great feeling not only in my tummy but in my entire body after making a positive choice like that for myself! Both physically and mentally.
I have slipped away from my once very strong will against the enemy (attachment to food). I blame this mostly on our traveling! Not me of course :)
So.. on Wednesday I will begin a 7 day rice fast before I head out on my northern California camping trip which will also include a very clean diet. I will share my experience, frustrations, and joys that come along with any release of attachment. I have an amazing teacher guiding me through the process so I feel no stress and I'm very comfortable with my choice. The rice is prepared in a way that holds its highest level of nutrients and served with hulled sesame seed prepared at home of course. Perfect balance of amino acids and protein plus many other key nutrients.
What intimidates me the most? Watching the cravings come and go..
What excites me the most? Watching the craving come and GO!!
I am not ashamed to say that a large part of my life I lived a Tamas lifestyle. I have been gluten free for one year now and have never felt better. With most evolutionary steps comes personal reward, followed by an upstream battle due to our American culture. I'm aware enough to know the temptations to eat foods I know are bad for me are mine to deal with. Just because it is gluten free does NOT mean it is good for you!
We can't argue the influence of media, friends, and family that put a constant need to stay true to ourself. I must have a solid understanding of how to stay in my best well being. This will allow me to continue to serve others unconditionally. What would it be like to go out to dinner with friends and order rice and spinach and not even bat an eye at what others are eating?! I am able to do this from time to time... As I sit here and type I can remember the great feeling not only in my tummy but in my entire body after making a positive choice like that for myself! Both physically and mentally.
I have slipped away from my once very strong will against the enemy (attachment to food). I blame this mostly on our traveling! Not me of course :)
So.. on Wednesday I will begin a 7 day rice fast before I head out on my northern California camping trip which will also include a very clean diet. I will share my experience, frustrations, and joys that come along with any release of attachment. I have an amazing teacher guiding me through the process so I feel no stress and I'm very comfortable with my choice. The rice is prepared in a way that holds its highest level of nutrients and served with hulled sesame seed prepared at home of course. Perfect balance of amino acids and protein plus many other key nutrients.
What intimidates me the most? Watching the cravings come and go..
What excites me the most? Watching the craving come and GO!!
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