This was written by a dear friend and teacher of mine..
"If we look outside of ourselves, searching for Peace, Happiness and Love--the search will never end. Because whatever peace we might find "out there" will be temporary. Whatever we may find will sooner or later fade along with circumstances. When Baba Hari Dass says "the idea is to attain peace", I don't think that he is asking us to find some perfect environment--getting all of our ducks in a row, then wha-la! peace! Lasting Peace, true peace, is not outside of yourself. Peace is not an object "out there". Peace is what you are. What is to be attained is this realization--that Peace is your natural state--you are that. This realization will be beyond any thought or concept--to know it is to BE it. Sri Ramana Maharishi said "Peace is absence of disturbance. The disturbance is due to the arising of thought in the individual, which is only the ego rising up from pure consciousness. To bring about peace means to be free from thoughts and to abide as pure consciousness. If one remains at peace oneself, there is only peace everywhere". To find peace, look within, let the mind be quiet, be still, and there you are--Peace. Love to all, Tom"
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