Monday, January 30, 2012

Todays Affirmation: Love

Todays Affirmation is Love:

Today I will renew myself by letting go of all expectations. LOVE is the only reality, the most important priority. When this truth takes root in your heart you will not be tempted to waste so much time on the trivialities. Today, I will stake my life on what is timeless. I will put my thoughts on LOVE, knowing that all LOVE starts with self LOVE. I will remind myself that the body is the garden of my soul. Today, I will consider the priorities in my life and I will know that LOVE is the only answer.

"When this truth takes root in your heart you will not be tempted to waste so much time on the trivialities." This is my favorite line of this Affirmation, I can relate so much! Once that solid foundation of Truth and Love sink in it is difficult to except or look at things/people/places in any other way. The things/people/places that are no longer serving your greater good are are easier to let go of, knowing that you can "handle" these things in a healthier manner from a distance, just sending LOVE. Om!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Affirmation: Kindness

Todays Affirmation is Kindness:

Today I will get in t ouch with all that exists. I will pay attention to my connections with all that exists. I will realize that loving kindness is my essential nature, I will express this in my thoughts, my feelings, my speech and in my actions. Today I will be aware of my breathe as it arises and subsides. I will be aware of my feelings, my actions, my perception, my environment. Today I will look at the world through the eyes of kindness. By realizing that kindness is my essential nature, I will realize that this same kindness exists inside all that pro-creates with me.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Affirmation: Judge Not Today

Todays Affirmation is Judge Not Today:

Judgement creates turbulence in our mind, it interferes with the creativity of our soul.  Let go of the need to classify things, to describe, the need to analyze. Consider what happens when judge someone, it makes someone else wrong. Judgement immediately creates separation. Judging is the Ego's form of defense, pulling away from your true self, separating yourself from your true spirit. When you learn not to judge you are saying you are willing to let everything in without deciding first if it is good or bad. Today I will judge nothing that occurs.. by letting go of my judgement today I will experience silence in my mind, Today I will not classify, label, or define.

Deepok Chopra's Healing Affirmations

This one is so powerful. Especially in the lines of compassion. We truly never know what is going on in other peoples lives. One thing we can be sure of, is we ALL have our individual, unique stories. These stories are what creates the beautiful diversity of this world. Theses stories created our families, teachers, friends, and leaders. These stories created you. At this point in my journey I am not comfortable giving people direct advice, for who I am to JUDGE what is best for another, I may be my own God, but I am not yours! I had rather share a similar story of mine with you and then share what tools I utilized to get the outcome best for me, letting the other reach the lessons they are seeking on their own. Just realize your opinion is just that, by sharing it to strongly you may have an impact on others that would slow down their own evolutionary process. Take all that energy and put it back into your heart, this is the most powerful way to "help" others!

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Lululemon!

This one is the "Push your Limits" tank in Paris Pink. This top is super supportive, I am really diggin these straps. This one is available at the Lululemon Showroom on Cherry Street as well!

New Lululemon!

New Indigo Blue, this has a super groovy tie-die look! These will go fast so get to the Lulu Show Room on Cherry Street!

Affirmation: Intention

Todays Affirmation is Intention:

 Intention is what creates our reality, intention is what creates our dreams. Intention has infinite organizing power. In oder to get the best out of this affirmation yiu must visualize your intention clearly. No matter the intention. Is it for abundance, success, higher guidance, or creative expression. Choose an intention, nurture this  intended outcome in your heart, let it incubate through meditation. Step out of helplessness and into a greater strength of self love. Today lets break the pattern of dependency by placing your intention in your heart. Seeing it, feeling it.. "What do I want?" Don't look for the answers, just ask. Live and move in these questions and soon you will be moving into the answer. The answers will come to you as situations, imagination, events, relationships, insights.. "What do I want?"

This one is by far my favorite. Try and focus on the intention not the outcome. Intentions are powerful and you will and are created in this way, so knowing this we can begin to pick and choose the direction of our thoughts therefor the direction of our lives.. What will you choose to see, choose to think, choose to feel, choose to create, it is soooo up to YOU! Pretty sweet, huh?!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Happiness is a state of mind, so the real source of happiness must lie within the mind, not in external conditions. 

I am honored to have been invited to Open Mind Zen of Tulsa for a Dharma Talk.  Join me Sunday, February 5th at 4pm. I will be sharing some of my past Truths as well as some of the tools I have utilized to help decondition my mind (a work in progress!) and carry me into this blissful life of creation and awareness I currently live in. This same bliss is available to each and every soul if your willing to let go and ride the waves of life!

This will be a light hearted friend to friend kinda talk :)

4:00pm-4:30pm Donation of $5 to $10 will be accepted by Open Mind Zen, 
1612 S. Harvard Ave., Tulsa, OK 74112

Affirmation Day 8: Higher Self

Todays Affirmation is Higher Self:

Today I will pray to be new again, this affirmation is about releasing confusion. Everyday we must find someway to spiritual clarity. Teller the prayer below to what your are needing. Is it who to trust, how to be understood or heard by others?  Making a choice when more then one choice attracts you? Asking for clarity makes room for all the universe wants to bring you. "I am in a fog today, give me clarity mind and heart, release me from my confusion which is born of the PAST. Let me see everything as if for the FIRST time, surprise me with joy and let me be renewed.

This "let me see everything as if for the first time" is a powerful one for me. If we choose to see ALL for the first time we are truly living without a preconceived idea of how things should be or will be. In this way, we give ourselves the space to truly live in the presence. Giving yourself the gift of presence is the best gift you could ever give yourself, it's where all TRUTH and LOVE rest. OmPeaceLove!

Change Starts w/ YOU!

The day has come, a day I once tried to force many years back before I had an idea of how life might work.. Travis Skaggs, my best friend and lover boy, has ASKED me for a VEGGIE based soup. "Man, I am craving some veggie soup.."

The steps to a cleaner diet or just that, steps.. Your body will slowly want the toxic food less and less.. Be patient, trade one meal/snack per day with something FRESH and CLEAN. The cleaner your intake becomes the more you will feel how the toxic food is truly effecting you. I have experienced this and also watched Travis experience this as well. For you men out there.. This is not about giving up your manhood. "I AM MAN, MUST EAT MEAT AND POTATOES." Better yet, it's about regaining an energy for life that you probably forgot existed. This is very sexy to us women by the way! Although ALL change must be self driven it may be nice to know that those around will love a more energized you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Affirmation Day 7: Giving

A life without giving is not worth living!!

Today's affirmation is Giving: Today I will learn to give. I will realize that giving is a part of the cycle of change. Today I will nourish someone with light. This affirmation is about communication. Feel an impulse of love. Send your impulse to someone you love, or to all the people of the world, and then let it go. Your gift will be received.

Location:E 86th St N,Owasso,United States

Monday, January 23, 2012


Affirmation Day 6: Fear

Todays Affirmation is Fear: Going beyond the limitations of fear. Today I will let go of all fear. I will realize that fear comes from self image, not myself. My ego is an image I have created. By letting go of my ego I will face the truth inside me which is fearless.  Whenever my ego overshadows my spirit it creates tension in the body. I will witness this sensation of fear by feeling it. Then I will take the courages step by doing what I fear most. I will not fight my ego, I will witness it. This is the highest form of human intelligence, to observe with out judgment. Today I will observe my fear and by doing so I will transform it to love.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Affirmation Day 5: Empowerment

Todays Affirmation is Empowerment: I will remind myself of the following ideas, my soul is fearless, my soul is superior to no one, my soul is beneath no one, my soul is equal to all. My soul is immune to criticism and to flattery. My soul embraces the wisdom of uncertainty, my soul take quantum leaps of creativity. My soul procreates with the mystery we call God. Today, I will notice the POWER OF MY SOUL. 


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Side Plank into Splits

Vashisrasana into Hanumanasana!! Check out the new Lucy gear at Ascent on Cherry Street!

Affirmations Day 4: Divinity in Me

Todays affirmation: Divinity in Me

When I put my awareness inside me I will notice the divine energy coursing through my body. I will notice my body is a field of divine energy. I will keep my attention inward until my whole being resonates and flows in the unbounded glory of infinite divine energy.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Never Ending Shifts..

When I first started my yoga practice I had little knowledge of yoga, what it meant to me, or the journey of transformation that lay ahead. It was an internal guidance that held little awareness behind its motivation. My soul led me blindly down a path full of faith towards an internal greater self. I suddenly worried less and less about what was or will be. For the first time I was focusing on what IS. Although at that time I had no idea that this was occurring.

A dear friend once said, "You don't have to go through sh*t to turn to gold!" But I am glad I did, my soul needed to go down that path of faith. I am glad I experienced so many shifts before I began to study this endless path of awareness I am currently on, as the bridge would have seemed to long to cross. My deepest visions of myself are as I currently am, but I saw those visions as fairy tales. STOP right where you are and believe those fairy tales are your souls way of screaming, "This is who I AM, let me OUT"!

I live in the constant state of self realization and creation. I seem to see this life I live from a 3rd person point of view. I look down on my Being smiling at each soul that passes by, sharing peace and love. Every now and then I shake my head in BELIEF that the Being I am witnessing is ME. Then within an instant, I am back witnessing the beauty we call LIFE unfold. The teachers I have studied with call this the "observer".

I realized that anything other than the observer stance is of the Ego. I guess this means my Ego is hanging out in the back seat more these days! Don't TRY this.. I don't believe thats how these things work.. It is a process of de-conditioning the mind. When you realize that the OUTSIDE world does not hold the key to the level of awareness you're seeking, you are one step closer to the real YOU. For me, the second step was sitting with ALL fears. We tend to push our fears under the rug and assume they will go away or that they are just a part of you.. NO WAY! All fears stem from the past, since the only place we meet our soul is in the present, getting rid of our fears is a MUST.

My soul sister (girlfriend!) told me the other day she had watched her fears walk down the road, away from her! Oh so freeing! She reaffirms that we must SIT with our fears if we ever want them to disintegrate. Sitting with these fears will teach us what we don't want in life, which brings us one step closer to the light to our truest self. Try today to judge nothing that occurs. Allow everything in without deciding first if its good or bad, it just might be that last experience needed to drop you into your truest self.

I am excited each day I wake up for I know I will get to experience the Never Ending Shifts that this life holds rather then FEARING change and staying the same.


Affirmations Day 3: Compassion

I can remember meeting "Loud mouth John" on my camping trip over the summer. He was in his 70's and ornery as hell. He had amazing stories and had much to say about the condition of the USA. As soon as I settled into the site I heard live music being play from across the campsite. It instantly reminded me of the music my papa and dad used to play, it pulled on my heart stings big time! The old Jennifer would of listened from a distance but, no, not in this new story I am writing! I walked right up to their campsite, alone mind you, and stood there with teary eyes and a big grin as 4-5 souls play there guitar, banjo, and violins while supper was cooking.. During a conversation with John I reached out and touched his hand, he looked up at me with a shocked look on his face as if he hadn't been touched like that in years and said, "What are you doing, I knew you were special from the start." It is in my opinion that reaching out to touch someone SHOULD be normal.. So LETS make it normal! Touch someone today, even if just with your soul.

I spent the next two days listening to their sweet tones and even better stories while the kids ran around between us. I took what could of been a quite weekend in northern Cali to an opportunity to bond with others, listen without having the need to responded and took a piece of their compassion towards me and tucked it away in my heart!

Todays affirmation is Compassion: I will see a stranger today through the eyes of compassion. I will remind myself that this stranger has parents that love them just like me. This stranger has moments of joy, anguish, and suffering just like me. This stranger will go through illness and recovery. This stranger will grow old and die, just like me. Through the eyes of compassion I will no longer know this person as a stranger yet a loving soul, just like ME.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Affirmations Day 2: Bonding

Feel free to ask questions or leave comments here or on Facebook about your approach to these affirmations!
Bonding: Today I will bond with another knowing the other is myself in disguise. I will connect with the web of relationships that create the whole Universe. I will listen with my heart, mind, and soul. I will notice the good in people around me, I will show my appreciations with gestures, words, and actions. Today I will bond with others, knowing the other is myself in disguise. Souls of Healing Affirmations-Deepok Chopra

Monday, January 16, 2012

Affirmation Day 1: Acceptance

I am so excited to walk this journey with each of you for the next 30 days. This will give us all an opportunity to let the delicious affirmations from my "Moving Mindfully into 2012" workshop sink in and begin to go to work for us! Deepok Chopra is one of my favorite spiritual teachers hands down and is the reason we have these affirmations to feed off of. Take what feeds you and leave the rest, try and place these in a way that you can read it throughout your day. If you missed the Canebrake workshop, join me at Inner Peace Yoga on Feb 19th from 1pm-3pm, call Inner Peace Yoga to register, 918-809-4444. (the 1st workshop booked full so register now!) Now to the good stuff! How our soul is programed is how our thoughts and perceptions will be, how our life will be. These affirmations are designed to begin to break the old thought patterns that are no longer serving our present or future needs or visions. Todays affirmations is Acceptance: Today I will accept myself just as I AM. I will reaffirm that I AM a wonderful person just as I AM. I will love myself, I will thank God/Universe for making me just as I AM. Knowing this I will see the world just as IT IS. In this clarity of awareness I will feel peace, happiness, and love.

Inner Peace Yoga Tulsa: What Is Your Addiction?

Inner Peace Yoga Tulsa: What Is Your Addiction?: Hi everyone, This time we have a guest blog from Jennifer Skaggs on how yoga can help people fight through and overcome addiction. Jennifer...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Moving Mindfully into 2012"

How our conscience is programed is how our thoughts and perception will be, how our life will be. When we reprogram our minds, we re-invent ourselves. We can break old thought patterns, ideas, and beliefs that may no longer be serving our PRESENT life or future dreams. If ur ready to create a life full of Love, join me THIS Sat. (14th) from 5pm-7pm for my "Moving Mindfully into 2012" workshop at The Canebrake in Wagoner.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mind Chatter

Everything happening in my life today is a direct projection of what is going on internally. There is no hidden TRUTH, no secret thought process. What you see is what you get.

How honest are you with yourself? Can you see your story clearly or do you add or subtract to it, living in a state of delusion? The first step to change/growth is personal clarity. LiveYourTruth

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 5, The Homecoming

Good intentions is just the first step towards the actions we desire. We then must implement the steps needed in order to move toward our desires. I wanted all I could get out of my last hours at Blue Spirit Retreat so getting to bed early in order to be up with the sun was my action towards my desire! I was up with the roasters and howler monkeys and down on the beach by 6AM.. Such a peaceful time of day. Every sound was heightened, the colors danced around as the sun rose, and the water was so peaceful. I was filled with an excessive amount of bliss on my last day at Blue Spirit.
Fresh papaya, pineapple, and yes, one last dose of fried plantains to keep my belly full while laying in the sun, collecting all the vitamin D I could before heading back to Oklahoma! I took a slow deep breath as I walked into the yoga studio one last time, (on this trip anyhow!) Placing my mat strategically next to some of my favorite souls from the trip, soaking up as much of their energy as I possibly could. Shiva got class rolling with some "Teach me how to Dougie"! Most of the room let their energy flow freely, laughing and shaking their hips, others just stood there laughing at us! The room became light, flooded with good emotions as we started into our flow. Shiva gave me several assistants that brought me to me knees.. Never forget the power of human connection.. To be touched is one of the greatest gifts when done with such loving and healing intentions. Shiva's assistant gave me a sited twist assist. I never knew I could twist so deep! Have you ever had a blissful cry? I mean a pouring down of tears with your heart fire exploding, radiating with so much power you feel the need to place your hands on your chest to hold it in? Thats what this assist brought me, the whole experienced unlocked a treasure chest of joy. When I surrendered into the assist, my body completely released.. Such a gift!
Floating back to my room, I packed up the last of my things. I am sure the birds were singing just for me at that point! My last delicious meal, warm goodbyes and a rough taxi ride to the outdoor building they call an airport to find my flight was delayed 2 hours due to high winds! I took a deep breath, observed my surroundings and called my husband. He was ready for me to be in complete panic mod.. NOPE, not a chance! I headed across the dirt road to the open air shack made from tin, got my camera and journal out and took in the small community as they went through their daily activities.
Riding the grace of the waves, hand in hand and heart with heart with Shiva Rea, braking my fears of inverting and floating into my handstand,(finally!), the stories shared, and the wisdom and love absorbed will forever be with me. Shiva reminded me of the strength it takes to slow things down, on and off the mat. Nothing is gained or won by pushing yourself or others. Relax into the flow of life. Catch the wave and coast to the shore, pick up your board, swim out, and simply catch the next wave. Repeat until sunset, rest, and start again! Returning from the ocean is always a challenge for me. I was feeling suffocated by all the concrete. Thanks to the great teachers and friends I have, I was reminded that paradise is wherever I AM. Yes, when you take all the other "stuff" out of the element and go into nature, it is easier to quiet the mind, yet I believe all peace comes from within. All the LOVE I felt was from inside of me. It was a choice to be open to the LOVE that was available to me. You have that choose as well. There are people in your life today that make you feel amazing, they are easy to love, and they encourage you and your growth. There are those that bring your energy level down, to be around them is constant work and they are always taking, never giving.. I believe there is a place for both of these people in your life, but some you may need to love from a distance. Today is a great day to show appreciation to those you share a "give and take" relationship with. Get ride of the relationships and communications that no longer serve your greater good. Spend more time with those that encourage the visions of your future and rid those that harness jealousy towards your shifts or happiness! Let LOVE guide you through 2012!