Good intentions is just the first step towards the actions we desire. We then must implement the steps needed in order to move toward our desires. I wanted all I could get out of my last hours at Blue Spirit Retreat so getting to bed early in order to be up with the sun was my action towards my desire! I was up with the roasters and howler monkeys and down on the beach by 6AM.. Such a peaceful time of day. Every sound was heightened, the colors danced around as the sun rose, and the water was so peaceful. I was filled with an excessive amount of bliss on my last day at Blue Spirit.

Fresh papaya, pineapple, and yes, one last dose of fried plantains to keep my belly full while laying in the sun, collecting all the vitamin D I could before heading back to Oklahoma! I took a slow deep breath as I walked into the yoga studio one last time, (on this trip anyhow!) Placing my mat strategically next to some of my favorite souls from the trip, soaking up as much of their energy as I possibly could.
Shiva got class rolling with some "Teach me how to Dougie"! Most of the room let their energy flow freely, laughing and shaking their hips, others just stood there laughing at us! The room became light, flooded with good emotions as we started into our flow. Shiva gave me several assistants that brought me to me knees.. Never forget the power of human connection.. To be touched is one of the greatest gifts when done with such loving and healing intentions. Shiva's assistant gave me a sited twist assist. I never knew I could twist so deep! Have you ever had a blissful cry? I mean a pouring down of tears with your heart fire exploding, radiating with so much power you feel the need to place your hands on your chest to hold it in? Thats what this assist brought me, the whole experienced unlocked a treasure chest of joy. When I surrendered into the assist, my body completely released.. Such a gift!

Floating back to my room, I packed up the last of my things. I am sure the birds were singing just for me at that point! My last delicious meal, warm goodbyes and a rough taxi ride to the outdoor building they call an airport to find my flight was delayed 2 hours due to high winds! I took a deep breath, observed my surroundings and called my husband. He was ready for me to be in complete panic mod.. NOPE, not a chance! I headed across the dirt road to the open air shack made from tin, got my camera and journal out and took in the small community as they went through their daily activities.

Riding the grace of the waves, hand in hand and heart with heart with Shiva Rea, braking my fears of inverting and floating into my handstand,(finally!), the stories shared, and the wisdom and love absorbed will forever be with me. Shiva reminded me of the strength it takes to slow things down, on and off the mat. Nothing is gained or won by pushing yourself or others. Relax into the flow of life. Catch the wave and coast to the shore, pick up your board, swim out, and simply catch the next wave. Repeat until sunset, rest, and start again!
Returning from the ocean is always a challenge for me. I was feeling suffocated by all the concrete. Thanks to the great teachers and friends I have, I was reminded that paradise is wherever I AM. Yes, when you take all the other "stuff" out of the element and go into nature, it is easier to quiet the mind, yet I believe all peace comes from within. All the LOVE I felt was from inside of me. It was a choice to be open to the LOVE that was available to me. You have that choose as well. There are people in your life today that make you feel amazing, they are easy to love, and they encourage you and your growth. There are those that bring your energy level down, to be around them is constant work and they are always taking, never giving.. I believe there is a place for both of these people in your life, but some you may need to love from a distance.
Today is a great day to show appreciation to those you share a "give and take" relationship with. Get ride of the relationships and communications that no longer serve your greater good. Spend more time with those that encourage the visions of your future and rid those that harness jealousy towards your shifts or happiness! Let LOVE guide you through 2012!