Monday, August 13, 2012

Yoga~ Confidence vrs Arrogance

Confidence. Have you talked yourself into it? Have your talked yourself so far into it your vision is blurry or fogged by your own arrogance? I believe this can be a part of anyones path who is choosing to shift and evolve with every experience. For me the ride of awareness has traveled so fast that I have not taken the opportunity to fully sit with my newly created reality.

My first encounter of a yogis arrogance showed up by watching others, our true mirror in my opinion. As I started to expand my relationships in the yoga community I begun to notice that there was a heavy fog of ego hanging around, "My yoga is the right yoga", "My students", "My practice"....  Note to self, we don't own yoga or "our students". I started to feel that this closed mindset of ego driven love was just as strong as any other group, religion, or society~it was just a different form of closed mindedness. 

Through my awareness of others I started to noticed some old thought patterns in myself that hadn't been fully scraped away. At first glance this was a hard one for me to swallow, after all I AM a Yoga Teacher, I should have it together at ALL times right?! No Ego, that's not what that means. We should strive for growth, not perfection. When we become attached to the roles we play and when we are constantly surrounded by others we can forget our own truth. It is for this reason we need to take time to truly remember Who We Are without the impact of another. "To make the right choices in life, you need to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solution." Deepak Chopra

When we come to the place of no influence, we find more personal clarity then ever before. This clarity comes with a price, are you willing to align with your own truth even if it not parallel to the map you have created? The new truth we are now aware of may take some heavy lifting and removal of old patterns and people in order to serve our GREATER good, our truth. "Even though you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never have imagined." Deepak Chopra

For me, the more I come to my mat, or just separate myself, the more I go within. The more I go within the less I will worry about what everyone else is doing, thinking, or saying. I can take more personal responsibility because I will be in my OWN TRUTH not in the worlds delusion of my truth. In this way I will show up in my own light and not in the shadows.

My definition~

Confidence~ KNOWing and living our own Truth but remaining open and pliable.
Arrogance~ The species of Pride, living closed off with the sense of complete growth already maintained.

"I shut my eyes in order to see."


  1. Nice reminders! We all need them sometimes! Thanks for speaking your truth!

  2. This is very beautifully written Jen! I am going to make more of an effort to read. Thanks! I need reminding every now and then.

  3. This is very beautifully written Jen. I am going to make more of an effort to follow. I need reminding every now and then. Thanks
