Tulsa Yoga Tribe~ I've been asked to be a part of a local health news segment for the New Year and I would love to know what YOU think~ if you are currently a yogi, how will your practice help you achieve your goals for 2013? If you haven't been bitten by the YogaBug yet, what preconceived notions are holding you back? (Injuries, time, cost, flexibility.. etc.) As always, I am here to serve YOU so thank you in advance~ Namaste
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Salt Yoga!
I love my Salt family! We are working hard to prepare both ourselves and our space to give the Tulsa Yoga community a safe, loving, and playful place to share love and yoga! Namaste~
Friday, December 14, 2012
I don't want to contribute to the darkness or the judgments being made. We can't fight hate with hate. Love, light, and raw compassion are our true healers. The actions have been made, the reaction is up to us. We are creating our future with the energy we are putting into our thoughts, feelings, and words in regards to today's events.. Choices~ Are you willing to take the courageous step to set aside judgment? Are you able to choose love over hate and recognize that every soul has a story? Can you take extreme personal responsibility for the energy you bring into this world and the impact you have on everyone around you? Choose LOVE, and give those around you the permission to do the same :)
Thursday, December 13, 2012
A wise and dear friend sent this to me last night~Love is all you need!
People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
LOVE them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do GOOD anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
SUCEED anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do GOOD anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be HONEST and frank anyway.
The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be
shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think BIG anyway.
What you spend years building may
be destroyed overnight.
BUILD anyway.
People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help PEOPLE anyway.
Give the world the best you have
and you might get kicked in the teeth.
GIVE the world the BEST you've got anyway.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Firefly! One of my favorites, lengthen and ignite those legs which will help you lift that booty! Reach like madness through the toes, (smile & breath). Remember to be PLAYful, laugh when you fall and ALWAYS try again~ (just starting? Start with garland pose) The Firefly Pose strengths our wrist & arms.
It tightens and tones the belly & stretches the inner groins, hamstrings, and back torso. Just like most postures we practice, Firefly helps calm the mind and improves our overall sense of balance, strength, and body awareness. Get out there and play Tulsa! www.livepresentyoga.com
It tightens and tones the belly & stretches the inner groins, hamstrings, and back torso. Just like most postures we practice, Firefly helps calm the mind and improves our overall sense of balance, strength, and body awareness. Get out there and play Tulsa! www.livepresentyoga.com
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Tulsa Yogis~ Have you ever wondered why we finish each class with the word, " Namaste" while we hold our hands at the heart center? If you have, your just like everyone else! Just like every other word we use, Namaste holds a different meaning and feeling to every person and society.
It is a common greeting or validation upon ones departing. "Greetings", "Good Day", "To Be Well", or "I Bow to You".
It is believed to be an honoring of one another. Namaste is a symbol of gratitude. The teacher showing gratitude and respect to his/her students and her own teachers (both on and off the mat) and in return gives the students the freedom to do the same, allowing them space to honor and show gratitude to WHATEVER their hearts desire. Knowledge is power, so now that you know, NAMASTE AWAY~ We are all ONE when we live from the heart!
The light in you is the same as the light in me, and when we come together we are stronger. Namaste~JS
It is a common greeting or validation upon ones departing. "Greetings", "Good Day", "To Be Well", or "I Bow to You".
It is believed to be an honoring of one another. Namaste is a symbol of gratitude. The teacher showing gratitude and respect to his/her students and her own teachers (both on and off the mat) and in return gives the students the freedom to do the same, allowing them space to honor and show gratitude to WHATEVER their hearts desire. Knowledge is power, so now that you know, NAMASTE AWAY~ We are all ONE when we live from the heart!
The light in you is the same as the light in me, and when we come together we are stronger. Namaste~JS
Monday, December 3, 2012
"A JouRney of a thouSand miLes begins with one steP."
It is so beautiful to look back not just to this Fall when the SALT family was being created~But all the way back to when YOGA found me, my decision (a scary & unfamiliar one!) to attend my first of many trainings, stacking my experiences and certifications with joy. This journey and EVERY YOGI I have met along the way has filled me with lessons of LOVE that have pierced my heart. I AM ready for the doors to OPEN at SALT and for the SALTY LOVE to start pouring out, we are NOW one step closer TULSA~
Stay OPEN is my best advice I could ever give, you NEVER know where your next step in LOVE will lead you!!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Give it a try!
Deep~ Personal Responsibility, Give it a try!
"What if religion was each other? If our practice was our life? If prayer was our words? What if the temple was the Earth? If forests were our church? If holy water~ the rivers, lakes, and oceans? What if meditation was our relationships? If the Teacher was life? If wisdom was self~knowledge? If LOVE was the center of our BEing? Ganga White
"What if religion was each other? If our practice was our life? If prayer was our words? What if the temple was the Earth? If forests were our church? If holy water~ the rivers, lakes, and oceans? What if meditation was our relationships? If the Teacher was life? If wisdom was self~knowledge? If LOVE was the center of our BEing? Ganga White
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Today I will Love More. I will take more Personally Responsibility. Today I will GIVE More. I will Not accept defeat by saying, "Well, that's just the way of the world." Today, I will Step Out and create change within my OWN community and stop Expecting someone else to do it. Today, I will MAKE my own path rather than following down someone else's. I will be aware as I judge people, situations, and circumstances remembering judgment makes someone else wrong. (a role non of us are truly qualified to play) Today, I will be a chameleon, moving in and out of my comfort zone, experiencing as much as I can before the sun sets.
Today, I will be Fearless, Open, and READY to receive life's Magic~
Today, I will be Fearless, Open, and READY to receive life's Magic~
Friday, November 2, 2012
Be Still. Trust. Love
Once we see just a glimpse of what awareness looks and feels like it is almost impossible to turn our backs on it. Once that candle is truly lit, it is very tough to blow out.. Before this awareness we see and know only what we have been taught to see and know. After that candle of awareness is shining bright we begin to question everything that was once our truth, our story. We begin to question the world as we know it.
We can break this mold. We can break the delusions we live in. If our traditions are no longer serving us, it may be time to step away from them. If we aren’t fitting into the family cycles, habits, or lifestyles, then it may be time to rethink our direction. This is NOT an indicator that those around us are living wrong. Each person will always, ALWAYS hold a different image, feeling, or description (perception) of any and all ideas, choices, lifestyles, religions, words, and feelings.
It’s bold and dashing to roam outside the box. Begin to pay attention to the words or ideas that no longer fit. Begin to ask yourself “How can I step into MY purpose? What stories am I willing to let go of? Am I brave enough to dig back to my authentic self?” We already hold the openness and awareness we desire. We don’t need to seek it, search for it, or read a thousand “self help” books. There is a much shorter path.. “ We are searching for God with his own eyes.”
Be Still. Trust. Love.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Fall into Love
The fall season is here. The trees are turning and it's time to let go, rest up, and move forward, following in the footsteps of nature. I have done quite a bit of this in my own life as I have moved into many new journeys all of which have required a great deal of letting go and stepping into the unknown! The more fears I face, the lighter I become, the higher I can fly! This is true for ALL of us. Truly, if we stay in our box, the comfort zone, life eventually becomes stale, without spark or lust. We stop experiencing, growing, and sharing. I am to the point where I must dance in all the fantasies and dreams floating around in my head and heart. The place I am today is so far from where I once was.. You too can open up more then you can possibly imagine! So lets all embrace the change of season by letting go of the delusion of FEAR, change your script and start walking in your dreams, TODAY!
Come meet me on your mats and find that playful child lusting to get out and explore!
I will be at Soul Yoga located in Oklahoma City this Saturday from 5pm-7pm. Hot~Fun~Flow, a two hour class filled with ALL of our favorite yoga goodies! We will tap into that sweet quiet place inside our breath, dig deep to find strength we never knew we had, LAUGH, play, float, fly, SWEAT, open our hearts and hips, and finally.. SURRENDER back to that quiet place inside our breath. I hope to
Click the link to be directed to the Soul Yoga website where you can sign up to hold your spot, space is limited. http://Come meet me on your mats and find that playful child lusting to get out and explore!
I will be at Soul Yoga located in Oklahoma City this Saturday from 5pm-7pm. Hot~Fun~Flow, a two hour class filled with ALL of our favorite yoga goodies! We will tap into that sweet quiet place inside our breath, dig deep to find strength we never knew we had, LAUGH, play, float, fly, SWEAT, open our hearts and hips, and finally.. SURRENDER back to that quiet place inside our breath. I hope to
share my love of music, movement, growth, and community with YOU.
Up next is our last Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars for this season. We have our live Dj back to sooth our souls and rock our bodies! (plus two heaters and a fire place!) I am happy to announce that My Fit Foods and I have teamed up to offer you healthy and delicious pre-yoga snacks at this event. Here are the details~
This is a preregister event, CLICK THE LINK AND SELECT "BOOK NOW" TO SIGN UP :)
Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars is a once a month yoga event on the rooftop of Ascent on Cherry Street. Our idea is to create a space for community, music, and yoga, all in the same night. A WINE mixer and fellowship with local yogis is just icing on the cake, (gluten free of course!) !
Our next event is Nov 8th from7pm-9pm. Class style will be a mild vinyasa and is from 8pm-9pm. The class investment is $15 (includes a glass of wine) and you must register in order to HOLD your spot. Space is limited and this event ALWAYS sells out so don't delay booking your spot! CLICK THE LINK ABOVE to register and I will meet you on the mat, LOVE ~Please be prepared to drink responsibly
~FREE YOGA! I will be leading the lululemon community class on Wednesday, November the 14th. Class will be located inside the Oklahoma Magazine building at 1609 South Boston Ave, Tulsa.
Salt Yoga Utica Square will be a place for movement, community love, sweat, family, strength, FUN, and my favorite, a SAFE place to PLAY! Come be an element of change with us at Salt! We plan to be sharing our love by late 2012, early 2013.
Salt Yoga is here for YOU, like our page on facebook and tell us what you want!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Judge Not
Underneath anger is fear, underneath fear is pain, behind the pain is someones story. Lets not be so fast to access and judge someone's path or choices as we don't know the truth they are walking or the life lessons they are set to receive. LoveIsTheKeyToFreedom~
Friday, October 26, 2012
Saturday Morning Rooftop
Happy Friday Tulsa Yoga Tribe~ Due to the overnight lows I think it's time to call it quits for our Saturday morning class. See you at Salt Yoga Utica Square this winter and back on the rooftop next spring! Our last Vino and Vinyasa will be November 8th, look for the sign up sheet about 10 days prior to the event~ big yogi love to you.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Invert to Shift!
Rise, shine, and invert! Today's the day we shift the way we see the world~Lets not let life's daily tasks steal our awareness~Be playful in all that you do, breath deep and ride the waves with gratitude, strength, and JOY!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Hot FUN Flow!
Join me in Okc for a super fun, funky , and HOT two hour class. We will have the opportunity to play with every facet of our yoga practice by flowing, strengthening, balancing, inverting, playing, breathing, laughing, and possibly my favorite, surrendering! We will have super fun, nontraditional playlist to help us transcend into the night~ Join me at Soul Yoga in Oklahoma City and reclaim your inner spunk :) Click the link below to sign up~
Magical Night!
Weather is looking OMazing for this Thursdays Vino and Vinyasa Live DJ! Click the link to sign up!! We are almost full~ This may be our last one depending on the weather so don't miss out Tulsa!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I'm addicted to the movement of my body. I don't feel "normal" standing on one leg for to long. If I don't invert daily my world seems upside down. Mindless and negative conversations about other people and the world make me nervous.
I'm happiest when I can give extra long hugs to multiple people each day. I'm a truth seeker, anything less makes my heart ache. The ability to wake up each day and love the shit out of YOU, even if its from a distance, is my greatest joy.
What is your truth today?
I'm happiest when I can give extra long hugs to multiple people each day. I'm a truth seeker, anything less makes my heart ache. The ability to wake up each day and love the shit out of YOU, even if its from a distance, is my greatest joy.
What is your truth today?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Septembers Playlist
Thanks to all of you who came out to my Free Vino and Vinyasa event, we got down on our mats this past month! Here is the playlist you have been asking for! ENJOY~
Our next event is October 18th, we will have our OMazing live dj Darren also known as Dub Darra! Click the link to sign up!
Fly~ Nicki Minaj
Juicy~ Biggy
Changes~ 2Pac
Pass that Dutch~ Missy Elliot
Regulate~ Warren G
Young Wild and Free~ Snop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa
The Rain~ Missy Elliot
The Light~ Common
Smile~ 2Pac
Slow~ Kylie Minogue
Forever Young~ Jay-Z
Turn the Lights Down Low~ Lauryn Hill, Bob Marely
Our next event is October 18th, we will have our OMazing live dj Darren also known as Dub Darra! Click the link to sign up!
Fly~ Nicki Minaj
Juicy~ Biggy
Changes~ 2Pac
Pass that Dutch~ Missy Elliot
Regulate~ Warren G
Young Wild and Free~ Snop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa
The Rain~ Missy Elliot
The Light~ Common
Smile~ 2Pac
Slow~ Kylie Minogue
Forever Young~ Jay-Z
Turn the Lights Down Low~ Lauryn Hill, Bob Marely
Friday, October 5, 2012
We have decided to pass on our rooftop yoga class for Saturday morning. Have a great day and see you next week!
Respond to life
We must strive to respond to life rather then react. Fear, anger, and jealousy are all delusions this world projects on us. We must see through this and into the eyes of love. We are never out of place, rather perfecting placed to experience what our soul needs to peel back the layers in order to let our light shine through. When we feel challenged, lets not be so quick to say, "This sucks, Or, I made the wrong turn." Try and sit with it, see the love buried inside, peel back the layers and let your love shine through. BeYou.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Funky on the U!
Meet you on the old U at Tulsa University for sunset yoga at 6pm tomorrow. I have a fun and funky playlist for us to groove to~supported by our lululemon family :)
Thursday, September 27, 2012
It's Time!
"When you go hard, your nay's become yays!" Nicki Minaj
I feel ALL the excitement building for tonights Vino and VInyasa!!!! PLEASE REMEMBER, class time is from 8PM-9PM, doors open at 7:30PM, we are FULL with a waiting list so PLEASE let me know if your unable to keep ur commitment. MEET you UNDER the STARS~Ascent, Cherry Street~Tulsa
I feel ALL the excitement building for tonights Vino and VInyasa!!!! PLEASE REMEMBER, class time is from 8PM-9PM, doors open at 7:30PM, we are FULL with a waiting list so PLEASE let me know if your unable to keep ur commitment. MEET you UNDER the STARS~Ascent, Cherry Street~Tulsa
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Free Yoga~
Join me on the old U located on the Tulsa University Campus on Friday, October 5th at 6pm for free yoga offered by the tulsa lululemon athletica and led by yours truly. This event is open to the public~ Much Love and I'll meet you on the mat!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Vino and Vinyasa!
Changing things up for this weeks "Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars"~ Get ready to be INspired and bReAk it DOWN. Dance to stay aLIVE! CLASS TIME IS 8PM~
This event is sold out, Please honor your commitment or let me know so I can fill your spot, we do have a waiting list~LOVE — at Ascent.
This event is sold out, Please honor your commitment or let me know so I can fill your spot, we do have a waiting list~LOVE — at Ascent.
Fall isHere~AreYouReady to ShIfT? "We are like a human transmission towers~transmitting a frequency with our thoughts~If you want to change anything in your life~Change the frequency of your thoughts."
Thursday, September 20, 2012
How many times do I get to say...
"This is hands down my favorite teaching experience of ALL times!" Tulsa your energy was pulsating! Love to you and we WILL do this again!
Salt Yoga~
We are starting to build our Salt Yoga Utica Square family and keeping your needs and desires in mind, after all it is YOU we are creating this space for~ We have a strong vision of what we want to offer you, but I want to know what YOUR looking for :)
Tell me what class times are best for you~ What style of yoga is your favorite and what styles are you missing and interested in learning more about? Tell me everything you love about your practice as well as things you want to work on! Thanks in advance~LOVE
Tell me what class times are best for you~ What style of yoga is your favorite and what styles are you missing and interested in learning more about? Tell me everything you love about your practice as well as things you want to work on! Thanks in advance~LOVE
Mat Time
Our time together on the rooftop is nearing to an end. I hope to take us through October and during that time I will have a few guest teachers sharing their love. Join me this Saturday at 9am above Ascent on Cherry Street, the class investment is $15.
My free Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars event is next Thursday the 27th and we are sold out! Please note that as our sun sets earlier we adjust the start time. Class tine is 8pm-9pm, doors open at 7:30pm.
I look forward to seeing each of you! Much Love~
My free Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars event is next Thursday the 27th and we are sold out! Please note that as our sun sets earlier we adjust the start time. Class tine is 8pm-9pm, doors open at 7:30pm.
I look forward to seeing each of you! Much Love~
Monday, September 17, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Class Canalization~
Due to a very wet rooftop, I will not be having my Saturday morning class today~it is to slippery, wet yoga mats and wet cement= HAZARD! This sun is coming out today and I hope to see you ALL a the I AM FESTIVAL at Chandler Park! GLOW YOGA IS AT 9:30pm~ Much Love to You! ENjoy your Saturday morning at home :)
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Weekend Yoga
I hope to see all of you this weekend at the I AM festival~I will be teaching my saturday morning rooftop class above Ascent on Cherry Street, 9am. The farmers market is so great in the fall~
At the I AM Festival I will be sharing the Glow Yoga at 9:30pm, if you love music, love, fun, and yoga.. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!
I wanted to let you know my Vino and Vinyasa event for September 27th is full, I hope you made it in under the wire!
Much love and peace to you*
At the I AM Festival I will be sharing the Glow Yoga at 9:30pm, if you love music, love, fun, and yoga.. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!
I wanted to let you know my Vino and Vinyasa event for September 27th is full, I hope you made it in under the wire!
Much love and peace to you*
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Summer is drifting away day by day, school is in full force, parents are racing around from one football practice to the next, and, well this is life! We might as well live it to the fullest and use our yoga practice to keep us calm, balanced, and strong. My family and I had a great summer filled will lessons, love, and memories to last a lifetime. We are ready for the shifts the fall season will be bringing us~
September is Yoga Month! What does that mean? It means FREE YOGA! It is a great way to get on the mat more than we normally do, to invite our friends to join, and to experience yoga in new and fun ways. I have three FREE yoga events I am teaching over the next 4 weeks.
The first free event will be at the second annual "I AM Festival". This is a yoga, art, and music festival located at Chandler Park. The festival is September 14th-15th. I will be teaching on Saturday the 15th at 9:30pm. This will be the closing ceremony for the weekend. This class will transcend us into the night with a live Dj and GLOW PAINT. Glow Yoga~Wear Less, Glow More :) Glow painting will start around 8:30pm so arrive early and get your glow on. This entire weekend of love is FREE! Here is the link to the full schedule of events for the weekend.
The second free event I will be offering for Yoga Month is my "Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars". This event will be on Thursday, September the 27th from 7:30pm-9:3pm. Class time is 8pm-9pm. Although this is a free event you must register to hold your spot as space is limited. I created this event one year ago this month!! To celebrate I want to give this event to the community for FREE. This event offers yogis something different to do on a Thursday night. We are staged on the rooftop of Ascent on Cherry Street, under the stars, with music that pierces our soul, a light wine mixer, and best of all, our friends. This event ALWAYS sells out so don't delay signing up. You must click the link and select "book now" to hold your spot~
*Mark your calendars for our next Vino and Vinyasa date. October 18th~Sign up will be available at the first of the October. $15
The third FREE class I will be teaching will be sponsored by lululemon athletica tulsa on Friday, October the 5th at 6pm. . It will be located on the old U at the University of Tulsa. This class is open to the public. All you need to bring is a good attitude and a mat or towel. Our back drop will be the sunset behind the downtown skyline and our beats will be funky and fresh.
I will be going on the road October 13th~14th to Southern California to share my love of yoga on the beaches of Cardiff. Click the link to learn more and spread the love for me to your SoCal buddies!!
As always you can find me on my home turf every Saturday morning for our rooftop yoga class above Ascent on Cherry Street, we will continue the class until mother nature says no more. Class time is 9am, class investment is $15~Bring a mat.
LivePresntYoga has teamed up with some special Tulsa Yogis. We have something new and exciting brewing for the yoga community~ Coming this winter to a mat near you!!
As always thank you for your continual support and love for LivePresentYoga~Each of you keep my rolling and feed me so much love~
Please email me with any questions ~ Jennifer@LivePresentYoga.com
Monday, September 3, 2012
Beach Body Yoga~
Cardio. Calisthenics. Yoga. Combining the discipline of bootcamp with the serenity of yoga. Join me on the majestic beaches of Cardiff, Ca. for a two hour body strengthening, heart inspiring morning. We will meet both Saturday AND Sunday from 8am-10am for a total of 4 hours.
Internet/blog dietary support, personal connectivity and motivation two days prior, during, and one day after the event.
* lululemon and SkinMedica give~a~ways.
* 45 minutes of calisthenics and cardio
* 75 minutes of yoga
* Event investment $125
This weekend event is so dear to my heart. Some of the best people I have yet to meet live in Cardiff by the Sea. In my opinion it is the hidden jewel of southern California~ After several visits to the area, Cardiff had my heart. Part of my routine would include my run on the beach followed by yoga and a little meditation with the waves.. I had a CLEAR vision of myself sharing this heart felt connection I had obtained with others. A connection to that quiet inner self, the sand beneath my feet, the chill of the morning breeze and warm sun kissing my face. So here we are, turning visions into reality! Meet you on the beach and under the morning sun!
Click the link below, select "book now" and then select "BeachBodyYoga" and follow the steps~
http:// livepresentyoga.com/Events/ events.html
Email me at jennifer@livepresentyoga.c om for ANY questions or more details~space is limited. Love!
* 75 minutes of yoga
* Event investment $125
This weekend event is so dear to my heart. Some of the best people I have yet to meet live in Cardiff by the Sea. In my opinion it is the hidden jewel of southern California~ After several visits to the area, Cardiff had my heart. Part of my routine would include my run on the beach followed by yoga and a little meditation with the waves.. I had a CLEAR vision of myself sharing this heart felt connection I had obtained with others. A connection to that quiet inner self, the sand beneath my feet, the chill of the morning breeze and warm sun kissing my face. So here we are, turning visions into reality! Meet you on the beach and under the morning sun!
Click the link below, select "book now" and then select "BeachBodyYoga" and follow the steps~
Email me at jennifer@livepresentyoga.c
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Peace of Mind~
It takes time to build the strength and/or flexibility that a lot of poses require, but the mental piece is just as important. That voice that tells us 'I’ll never be able to do that’ IS WRONG! An open mind and a willingness to try will take us further then our bodies every knew possible~Be flexible in the mind and heart~The body will follow.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
August Playlist~EnJOY
After Glow~ Phaeleh
Song of the Caged Bird~ Lindsey Stirling
Babylon of the Orient~ The Shanghai Restoration Project
Monsoon Malabar~ Bombay Dub Orchestra
Dark Horse~ The Shanghai Restoration Project
Fortune Soul~ Blackmill
As the Rush Comes~ Motorcycle
Breathe in Air~ Phaelah
Lola's Lullaby~Anoushka Shankar
In the Sun~ Donna De Lory
Shanit (Peace Out)~ MC Yogi
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Class Cancelation
Friday, August 24, 2012
Rain & Yoga
Good evening yogis~We are at a 50% chance of rain for our Saturday morning rooftop class above Ascent. Please check my website or on Facebook for class cancelations. If I have to cancel, I will post it by 8AM. Have a dreamy night! Love
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Saturday Morning!
Our weather for Saturday mornings rooftop class will be the perfect! Get out and take advantage of the morning sun and move and breath to the sounds of the Cherry Street Farmer's Market~9am~$15
Monday, August 13, 2012
Yoga~ Confidence vrs Arrogance
Confidence. Have you talked yourself into it? Have your talked yourself so far into it your vision is blurry or fogged by your own arrogance? I believe this can be a part of anyones path who is choosing to shift and evolve with every experience. For me the ride of awareness has traveled so fast that I have not taken the opportunity to fully sit with my newly created reality.
Through my awareness of others I started to noticed some old thought patterns in myself that hadn't been fully scraped away. At first glance this was a hard one for me to swallow, after all I AM a Yoga Teacher, I should have it together at ALL times right?! No Ego, that's not what that means. We should strive for growth, not perfection. When we become attached to the roles we play and when we are constantly surrounded by others we can forget our own truth. It is for this reason we need to take time to truly remember Who We Are without the impact of another. "To make the right choices in life, you need to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solution." Deepak Chopra
When we come to the place of no influence, we find more personal clarity then ever before. This clarity comes with a price, are you willing to align with your own truth even if it not parallel to the map you have created? The new truth we are now aware of may take some heavy lifting and removal of old patterns and people in order to serve our GREATER good, our truth. "Even though you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never have imagined." Deepak Chopra
For me, the more I come to my mat, or just separate myself, the more I go within. The more I go within the less I will worry about what everyone else is doing, thinking, or saying. I can take more personal responsibility because I will be in my OWN TRUTH not in the worlds delusion of my truth. In this way I will show up in my own light and not in the shadows.
My definition~
Confidence~ KNOWing and living our own Truth but remaining open and pliable.
Arrogance~ The species of Pride, living closed off with the sense of complete growth already maintained.
"I shut my eyes in order to see."
My first encounter of a yogis arrogance showed up by watching others, our true mirror in my opinion. As I started to expand my relationships in the yoga community I begun to notice that there was a heavy fog of ego hanging around, "My yoga is the right yoga", "My students", "My practice".... Note to self, we don't own yoga or "our students". I started to feel that this closed mindset of ego driven love was just as strong as any other group, religion, or society~it was just a different form of closed mindedness.
When we come to the place of no influence, we find more personal clarity then ever before. This clarity comes with a price, are you willing to align with your own truth even if it not parallel to the map you have created? The new truth we are now aware of may take some heavy lifting and removal of old patterns and people in order to serve our GREATER good, our truth. "Even though you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never have imagined." Deepak Chopra
For me, the more I come to my mat, or just separate myself, the more I go within. The more I go within the less I will worry about what everyone else is doing, thinking, or saying. I can take more personal responsibility because I will be in my OWN TRUTH not in the worlds delusion of my truth. In this way I will show up in my own light and not in the shadows.
My definition~
Confidence~ KNOWing and living our own Truth but remaining open and pliable.
Arrogance~ The species of Pride, living closed off with the sense of complete growth already maintained.
"I shut my eyes in order to see."
Balancing Body & Mind With Yoga
Incase you missed it, here is the link to my fun time with Lacey Lett on Great Day Green Country. EnJOY~ http://www.fox23.com/content/greatdaygreencountry/story/Balancing-Body-Mind-With-Yoga/AgRQuTbqK06YXT-r9rqVmA.cspx
Twenty million Americans have found yoga to be a part of their regular routine. Yoga instructor Jennifer Skaggs is a firm believer in the practice and says it's beneficial not just for flexibility and balance, but many other health reasons. "Within the short time we spend on our mats (60 minutes or less) we have lowered our heart rates and blood pressure, released the lactic acid from our muscles, increased oxygen levels, strengthened, stretched, and elongated our muscles, and strengthened our bones," Skaggs said. Understanding the importance of yoga and how it works can help you transform physically. "We most likely cannot make our grocery list or be on a conference call while we are standing on one foot!" Skaggs said. "We need alignment, strength, and attention to balance," she said. "Let go of the ego and being okay with falling! It is here we begin to learn we need full attention from the whole body, starting with our foundation, the feet. We then work our way up through our mid line and see our entire body is working to find our individual sense of gravity." It's the small muscles that become engaged. "We find we need all of those small muscles we forget about when we are pumping iron at the gym, again balancing postures help create balance within our dominant muscles in relations to our smaller muscles," Skaggs said. "Our ankles and feet get stronger, our core and back become more stable and best of all, we get to be playful and fly like we did when we were kids!"
Twenty million Americans have found yoga to be a part of their regular routine. Yoga instructor Jennifer Skaggs is a firm believer in the practice and says it's beneficial not just for flexibility and balance, but many other health reasons. "Within the short time we spend on our mats (60 minutes or less) we have lowered our heart rates and blood pressure, released the lactic acid from our muscles, increased oxygen levels, strengthened, stretched, and elongated our muscles, and strengthened our bones," Skaggs said. Understanding the importance of yoga and how it works can help you transform physically. "We most likely cannot make our grocery list or be on a conference call while we are standing on one foot!" Skaggs said. "We need alignment, strength, and attention to balance," she said. "Let go of the ego and being okay with falling! It is here we begin to learn we need full attention from the whole body, starting with our foundation, the feet. We then work our way up through our mid line and see our entire body is working to find our individual sense of gravity." It's the small muscles that become engaged. "We find we need all of those small muscles we forget about when we are pumping iron at the gym, again balancing postures help create balance within our dominant muscles in relations to our smaller muscles," Skaggs said. "Our ankles and feet get stronger, our core and back become more stable and best of all, we get to be playful and fly like we did when we were kids!"
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Today, I will be confident enough to allow my actions to speak love and loose the need to talk about it.. It is my actions that make it real, not my words. Today, I will perform silent miracles.
I will accept that THIS life of love is my reality and any defenses that arise stem from the past. The ego within is there to protect me, not to control me. I'm going to seek constant progress and stop seeking perfection.
Today, I realize that I'm never fully grown and I will continue to expand as I continue to experience. For this reason I must remain playable and ready to shift at any moment. Don'tBeAKnowItAll~BeAStudent
Saturday, August 11, 2012
"Growth can only be gradual. The seed that is sown today does not sprout into a tree the next day. It does so only in its course of time, at it's own pace." Swami Kripalu
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Vino and Vinyasa~
It's that time again! Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars is back on Thursday, August 23rd. Doors open at 8pm and class time is from 9pm-10pm~ that's right, open your eyes from savasana to the Tulsa skyline and stars. Come early for some community time with other Tulsa yogis, get out and meet new people! New relationship enrich our life's greatly.
Event investment is $15 per attendee. Please be prepared to show your ID if you plan to drink and please drink extra responsibly :)
Click the link to sign up, this event will sell out. (bring a mat and a water)
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
GDGC~Fox News
I will be sharing how our yoga practice can be our vehicle for overall balance both mind and body on Great Day Green Country with Lacey Lett~Fox News at 10am~Thursday morning~
I will share my insight on balance here after my live segment~YoginiTulsaLoven
I will share my insight on balance here after my live segment~YoginiTulsaLoven
Monday, August 6, 2012
Monday Mantra~
I must work to unfold into the grandest version of myself. The life of LOVE I desire won't just happen~I must CrEaTe it. Leave the shore, swim through the waters and find your paradise! HappyMonday~
"Peace and religious harmony come about through taking action, not necessarily through making prayers and good wishes. In order to carry action out, enthusiasm is very important, and enthusiasm comes from being clear about our goal and the possibility of our fulfilling it. Here, we need educate young people about our ultimate goal, peace in the world, and how to fulfil it by cultivating inner peace within themselves." The Dalai Lama
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Diet or Drugs~
We can choose ignorance or take advantage of all the info out there for us and take responsibility. I have felt the release of inflammation due to extreme dietary changes as well as experiencing an auto immune disease caused by inflammation~Thank you family farm! Papa, I love ya but those cows gotta go :) I have gone from a 100% meat eater to a 10% meat eater, I soon will be a 0% meat eater~Please take the time to educate yourself.
Julys Vino and Vinyasa Playlist~
How I Feel~ Wax Tailer
My Moon My Man~ Feist
Big City Life~ Mattafix
Breathe~ Telepopmusik
Sweet Disposition~ The Temper Trap
Fallen Light~ Phaeleh
Video Games (Joy Orbison Remix)~ Lana Del Ray
Shells of Silver~ The Japanese Popstars
Trembling Hands~ The Temper Trap
Night Drive~ Goyte
Breathe Me~ Sia
After the Storm~ Mumford and Sons
Rewrite~ Sia
My Moon My Man~ Feist
Big City Life~ Mattafix
Breathe~ Telepopmusik
Sweet Disposition~ The Temper Trap
Fallen Light~ Phaeleh
Video Games (Joy Orbison Remix)~ Lana Del Ray
Shells of Silver~ The Japanese Popstars
Trembling Hands~ The Temper Trap
Night Drive~ Goyte
Breathe Me~ Sia
After the Storm~ Mumford and Sons
Rewrite~ Sia
Monday, July 30, 2012
Find stillness in your movement~Peace during the chaos~And light beneath the darkness~LetYOUShineThrough~
Sunday, July 29, 2012
I will not become capsulized, stale or set in my ways (ego) as I grow old. I will choose to open, grow, change, and shift~I will keep my heart, eyes, and mind open~I will remain pliable and filled with love~MySundayMantra~
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Vino and Vinyasa~
Change up ur practice~Get out of the studio~http://livepresentyoga.com/Events/events.html
Vino and Vinyasa~(Rescheduled Event) is a prepaid event and is THIS Thursday~Don't forget to click the link to hold your spot! Class time is 9PM~Doors open at 8PM~Meet You Under the Stars!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Vino and Vinyasa~
Our Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars event for July is set for Thursday July 26th ~ Event time is 8pm-10:30pm ~ CLASS time is 9pm.
If you paid your $15 for the June event that we had to cancel you are good to go for this one! Otherwise select the link below and sign up to hold your spot! Meet you under the stars!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Mind Chatter
Being a yogi doesn't mean we have to "like" everyone/thing~but we do have to love them. LivePresentBeLove
Monday, June 25, 2012
Let your surroundings inspire you~no matter where you are~We are ALL constantly creating~Receive this gift of creation and KNOW it to BE true~InspireBelieveCreate
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Sorry to Cancel~
My Ascent family and I have made the tough choice to call OFF Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars due to the chance of rain, heat/humidity, and the dampness still on the rooftop~I sure wouldn't want to ruin that new sound system I bought! If you paid for the event already IT WILL BE GOOD FOR THE RESCHEDULED EVENT! I am already working on that and will have it posted tomorrow! Please share this for me so the word gets out!
Rain Policy
Incase you haven't been to one of my rooftop events and heard me speak my of cancelation policies~ here they are!
Although the radar says no rain after 5pm :) if it gets rained out the folks that have signed up and paid will be good for the rescheduled event only.
Your spot won't be held for next months event~
If I ever have to cancel for personal reasons or if the weather forces us to cancel I will always honor the REscheduled event! (not applicable for cancellations on your end)
If I ever have to cancel the Vino and Vinyasa event it will be posted on my FB on my site 5pm~
Sunny afternoons!
"Changing the world, one breath at a time." JS
Although the radar says no rain after 5pm :) if it gets rained out the folks that have signed up and paid will be good for the rescheduled event only.
Your spot won't be held for next months event~
If I ever have to cancel for personal reasons or if the weather forces us to cancel I will always honor the REscheduled event! (not applicable for cancellations on your end)
If I ever have to cancel the Vino and Vinyasa event it will be posted on my FB on my site 5pm~
Sunny afternoons!
"Changing the world, one breath at a time." JS
Monday, June 18, 2012
Vino and Vinyasa Under the Stars is this Thursday ~ I will have the Oklahoma City Thunder game playing on the TV by check-in!! Click the link to hold ur spot~VinoVinyasaGoThunderOmmmmm!http://livepresentyoga.com/Events/events.html
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