Thursday, March 28, 2013


Do what you do not for others to see but because it sets you free~ JS

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

High Road.

Take the high road. Not just with your words and actions, but most importantly, with your heart. Whether we realize it not, someone is watching and learning from us, right now~ WhatWillYouTeach?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


The tears that roll down our face hold the same divinity as the smiles that show our soul. Lets embrace every beautiful part of our divinity.
You don't have to be Devine. You ARE Devine~JS

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The next right thing..

What we choose to do with the mind and spirit will directly influence the health and well being of the body. JS

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Today's Goals.

TodaysGoal~ As each minute unfolds in front of me I will look to truly see THIS moment with new eyes.

The eyes from "yesterday" are possibly distorted, foggy, and lack clarity. Today I will choose to not be scared of what's behind me, I will not worry about what's to come, and I will LOVE where I AM NOW!!

I realize and honor that this will take effort, practice, and awareness... ThreeOfMyFavoriteThings!!!