Friday, November 2, 2012

Be Still. Trust. Love

Once we see just a glimpse of what awareness looks and feels like it is almost impossible to turn our backs on it. Once that candle is truly lit, it is very tough to blow out.. Before this awareness we see and know only what we have been taught to see and know. After that candle of awareness is shining bright we begin to question everything that was once our truth, our story. We begin to question the world as we know it

We can break this mold. We can break the delusions we live in. If our traditions are no longer serving us, it may be time to step away from them. If we aren’t fitting into the family cycles, habits, or lifestyles, then it may be time to rethink our direction. This is NOT an indicator that those around us are living wrong. Each person will always, ALWAYS hold a different image, feeling, or description (perception) of any and all ideas, choices, lifestyles, religions, words, and feelings. 

It’s bold and dashing to roam outside the box. Begin to pay attention to the words or ideas that no longer fit. Begin to ask yourself “How can I step into MY purpose? What stories am I willing to let go of? Am I brave enough to dig back to my authentic self?” We already hold the openness and awareness we desire. We don’t need to seek it, search for it, or read a thousand “self help” books. There is a much shorter path.. “ We are searching for God with his own eyes.” 

Be Still. Trust. Love. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much!!! It's like you can take the thoughts in my head and so eloquently share them with all of us! Thank you for sharing yourself!
