Sunday, August 14, 2011

Does Meditation scare you?

There was a time when the word mediation really scared me. I would picture the bald monk sitting tall with his perfectly shaved head, hands resting softly on his thighs.. Beautiful image!! But, with the stereo type image or idea of meditation, I stirred clear of this in the first few years of my yoga practice.

As I began to deepen my yogic knowledge or better yet, learning to "simply" enjoy my practice, I learned that there are many forms or path to mediation.

After finally getting out of my own way, my first deep experience actually happened with no planning.. This is the best way!

"A quite mind that is arrived at by concentration ends up being a dull mind, not a free mind."

When we are not waiting or watching for something to happen there is a natural sinking into our own source. This could take place while watching the sun set, thirty minutes later you realize your without a chatty mind and the sun has now set!

A teacher once told me when you can sit with the only conscious thought being that of the birds wings flying in the sky above you then you have experienced meditation! Working in your flower bed, swimming, running, watching the fire crackle in the Fall, practicing yoga, and my mother-in-law even threw in mowing as her meditation!

It's really simple, we have control over the ticker tape of thoughts running through our minds. All we need is a second of emptiness to reset. It takes practice, a little de-conditioning of the mind. We have been taught our entire life's to push, push, push! How's that working for ya?!

Today, see what it feels like to take five! Just five minutes without your computer, phone, TV, family, or friends. Breath. Nothing else. Just breath.


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