Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 3, A Yogis Costa Rican Xmas

It was around 6:30 AM Christmas morning. The warm Costa Rican sun had just peeked up from behind the mountains. The howler monkeys and their families were moving through the area just like every other morning. The dining hall floor was lined with yogis sitting on comfy pillows, each with their hot tea or local coffee, journaling about the day before. I have noticed that the yogi clan loves to document and share, for me it enriches my experiences immensely. I am a story teller. I have come into a place where I have a clear vision of the Truth in front of me but also open to any and ALL wisdom offered to expand my vision. The warm, sleepy eyes and truly genuine smiles from that morning will forever be with me. Actually as I write this, my heart flutters and is instantly warm. It is so beautiful how quickly bonds are made when we all have our guards down and are ready to receive love from whoever wants to give it! 

We slowly head up, one by one, to the most beautiful space I have ever stepped into in my life this far. The yoga studio floors are a rich local wood, they offer a silky sensation to the feet. The studio has floor to ceiling windows, capturing the jungle to the right and ocean as far as the eye can see to the left. Shiva had placed her alter in the center of the room which held some of items that inspired her. The ceiling is perched with bamboo and soft lighting. We are all scattered throughout on our meditation pillows ready to watch the waves roll in with a clear, steady mind with the sounds of the jungle as our music. This is where the non-doing comes in. It is so true that the more you do, push, or force the less you achieve. The less you do, the more you feel, see, and achieve. Letting go of control of the outcome and simply riding the waves of life with a smile on our face and love in our hearts. (Hard to imagine if you have never practiced this, I have been there!) It is not possible to be in harmony with others if we are not in harmony or peace within our own minds. Sitting in stillness, watching our own mind reacts without judgment is a great place to start down the path of harmony and inner peace. 
Mid morning holds another amazing practice with Shiva Rea, she is becoming more human in my eyes as the hours together go by. It is so nice to hear she has all the same life challenges we all do. It goes back to her choice of perception in these matters that keep her moving forward, floating through life with the sole purpose of sharing love and helping teach others to find their own Dharma. A good teacher doesn’t tell you how to find it, yet offers you a path, a flash light and then gives you the love you need to move out of your own darkness. 
I spent the afternoon is the sun, watching the waves roll in alone on the beach. So much better then being full of regret from the food I stuffed my face with, laying on the sofa rubbing my Buddha belly! 

Finally, the long awaited bonfire on the beach! A beautiful piece of driftwoods acts as our microphone. Each unique person gets up in front of the fire sharing their stories of gratitude for life and what brought them to that place in time. WOW is all I gotta say.. Such a great reminder of how we are all living our own karma and we ALL have such beautiful stories. Each of us is in one stage or another. Some of us our going through a major transition, others are fresh out of a transitional phase, trying to settle into their own space and then you have those that their heart fires are burning strong and we are just tending to the fire. Whichever stage you are in is not right or wrong, it just is. So give yourself all the love you can and give others the space to do the same. We can’t choose what is right or wrong for others.
I take one more gaze up at the stars, the brightest I have ever seen, and head off to bed, preparing for another day in Heaven. I look forward to be awakened by the howler monkeys and sunrise around 5am. (not everyone seemed as excited about that as me!)

What stage of life are you in? Are you able to look at this stage without judgement, but rather with love and compassion? Try practicing non-doing for just five minutes today. Sit in your favorite space or in your car on your lunch break. Watch your mind chatter without attachment or judgment. LOVE!

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