Sunday, December 18, 2011

Communicating through our mind chatter..

Good communication must begin with ourself before being effective with others. How can we expect to move forward with others if we are turning circles in our own mind? When communicating with others, it's best to put out there what your really needing, no mind games and no beating around the bush hoping they will catch your point. Once you feel confident in your needs, you can even say, "It is important that you hear only what I am saying and nothing more, please repeat back what you have heard me say." People have different meanings or interpretations of the same words, so clarifying before moving on will only help.

Listening is truly one of the best gifts we can give someone. If we haven't walked the path that is being shared, we cannot truly understand, so our open heart and ears may be the gift that is needed. Try understanding what they might be feeling rather than judging the situation in our head. Listen with our heart. Our soul.

In EVERY situation WE are responsible for creating the energy we want. If we are uncomfortable with the other person in which we are communicating with, try not to judge that, just watch what arises inside. Respond rather then react. When the ball is in our court, know that we can pause we can think and feel what needs to come next. We don't have to say everything going through our minds! Observe the mind chatter and pull out what FEELS right.

Compromise does not exist in every set of communication that we enter. That doesn't mean there isn't something there for us. So when do we know we have said our peace and it is time to move on?

For me, I have pulled curtain situations toward me (subconsciously of course) and held them tightly until I FELT my lessons or karmic involvement had been served. This wasn't always clear to me. This does NOT mean you get tired of dealing with it and quit! When you get to the place where you stop playing the victim, and the questions like, "Why is this happening to me?" or "Why would he/she make me feel so bad?" turn into questions like, "What is in this situation for me?" or "In what ways can I offer love?" Evolution has occurred, YEAH!

Not there yet? Sound impossible? I bet! I have been in that impossible stage for longer then I have been in the loving stage. This loving stage takes just as much effort in the beginning because we have conditioned ourselves to react with fear rather then to respond with love. It is just like running a race, you have to condition the mind and heart. Practice makes perfect!

Remember, you can do nothing for another that they will not do for themselves. The love we have, just like anything else, has to start with love for our self. From there, in order to protect our own soul, we must be willing to "disappoint" another. If we do our complete best going into the situation with love, the soul in which we are communicating with still may not be ready to receive this love or form of communication. So what now? This may mean that your time and lessons with this soul may have come to an end in the physical sense but no one can stop you from sending love and good thoughts their way. Talk about rising above. Taking the higher road.

It is our job to create the loving energy we want. Release our stories, our perceptions of what HAS been, step out in faith to what WILL be and filling our heart in the present moment with only LOVE. Trust me, practice in this will truly create great shifts throughout our whole life. We now have control of our thoughts. Don't let anyone live rent free in your mind!

Now that the load is lighter, it is our time to shine. Thank those that have shared their stories with you, learn the beauty from them and then release them, put them in your treasure chest and move forward with love! Face your fears head on and you will transform them to LOVE!

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